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Bunch of groups of people already started in this way. Some created websites for hunting projects.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Although vanishing so quick, it is worth to try once more. Especially right now some guys felt that the IT market is warming up, driven by more realizable interest, more bet to group people and continue longer.

Definitely at least one or two guys needed to lead the group: contact people, make arrangement, provide meeting place, and co-ordinate and organize skills and topics.

Rather than sending emails and blow your email box, we can sum up ideas in any place you will prefer.

All the technical guys will be proud of his abilities. But once the decision is made, every one must obey and fullfil his own responsibility. The group will break apart for sure if no one want to contribute, but every one wants his own idea to be praised. Lots of lessons of people in AIMOO place. I will not simply repeat.

Actually money is the final needs by every one. Just every one wants to get it in an easiest way. That's why 创业 sounds so scary. To be paid by others is still much more comfortable. Actually, don't take it so solemn. Surviving is already not such easy thing, right?

Please include my email address in your mailing list, if you would like to communicate in such way. And I believe I have some suggestive ideas to share with you guys.

Please forgive me if any words sounds harsh.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 很想成立一个软件开发员兴趣小组...

    您要是真爱软件开发,咱们自己成立一个兴趣小组如何?几个人或十几个人,大家来聊软件,真是一种莫大的享受。我住在Scarborough,希望和您“喝杯清酒,交个朋友”。莫嘲笑我的真情。Email: blinxh@hotmail.com
    • agree
    • 支持!
    • 谢谢你们的支持,但是我们怎样把这个小组组织起来,你们能给个建议吗?
      • 做个论坛
    • 记得这里见过类似提议,结果都不了了之。希望这次能够坚持。如果有主题或项目(虚拟也好),就好进行一些,关键还是大家的热情能长久
      • 我对你的建议表示非常的赞同...
        1. 我们有了主题;
        2. 能进行技术交流,相互提高;
        3. 这个软件项目或许存在经济价值;

        • 非常同意,首先要一个愿意挑头的DX,然后选择一些"铁杆会员",人不在多,关键要齐心.如果有组织,算我一个.
          • 好建议,有谁自告奋勇,并且有信心来挑这个头,欢迎报上名来。我愿意成为忠实热情的铁杆会员。
        • 我虽然是才入行的新手,但当初也是因为兴趣才有的决定,不知道您的邮箱申请好了吗,还是干脆就由您挑头,把地址直接寄给你?
      • 我有项目,但是没钱赚,有谁愿意做?
        • 什么项目,说说看
          • 收货和发货的信息管理系统
            • 有概要设计了吗,用什么平台和采用什么语言
              • 没有;用Delphi+Access
                • 可以做着试试看,不过我delphi不熟,可不可以用VC
                  • 给我打电话吧416-466-0325
                • I can help with Business Analysis and CB work. But Delphi is not popular here, how about VB?
                • 我熟悉delphi+access,请告知详细情况
    • 算我一个。
    • Good idea
    • 还不如一起做一个软件(比如图象处理软件,象PHOTOSHOP一类),如果找不到专业工作,闲着也是闲着。
    • 记得叫上我!
    • 还有俺
    • 报个名,我做了3年的Coding。这一行本来就是不能荒废的
    • 推荐一个论坛 北美创业会员组
      • Thanks. The SOHO site is not intend to compete with other forums, just a place for guys working together. Hope this time our guys could step forwards further.
        Because the postings in SOHO will not be so much casual messages, the postings will not be scrolled back so fast. I would suggest several of your guys keep a thread hot in there. Then the coming followers can view all your intentions and ethusiasm, then they can keep touch with you contineously.

        If Rollia is a big party where people get chances meeting each other, SOHO is a reserved studio where a small group can exchange ideas in a quiter room.

        Feel free to send me any considerations you may have.
    • 我会Linux,大家有没有兴趣到freashmeat和sourceforge上调研一下,找点项目的灵感?
    • Bunch of groups of people already started in this way. Some created websites for hunting projects.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Although vanishing so quick, it is worth to try once more. Especially right now some guys felt that the IT market is warming up, driven by more realizable interest, more bet to group people and continue longer.

      Definitely at least one or two guys needed to lead the group: contact people, make arrangement, provide meeting place, and co-ordinate and organize skills and topics.

      Rather than sending emails and blow your email box, we can sum up ideas in any place you will prefer.

      All the technical guys will be proud of his abilities. But once the decision is made, every one must obey and fullfil his own responsibility. The group will break apart for sure if no one want to contribute, but every one wants his own idea to be praised. Lots of lessons of people in AIMOO place. I will not simply repeat.

      Actually money is the final needs by every one. Just every one wants to get it in an easiest way. That's why 创业 sounds so scary. To be paid by others is still much more comfortable. Actually, don't take it so solemn. Surviving is already not such easy thing, right?

      Please include my email address in your mailing list, if you would like to communicate in such way. And I believe I have some suggestive ideas to share with you guys.

      Please forgive me if any words sounds harsh.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 算我一个! 其实我也有此想法, 还在yahoo上申请了一个group, 名为coolitclub, 可惜到现在还是空的,自己也没进一步做下去.
      我很爱软件这一行也从没怀疑过自己的才智, 很想和别的朋友讨论技术, 做点东西.
      coolitclub 的url 是http://groups.yahoo.com/group/coolitgroup/, 也许没有太多用途, 但如果有人贴个问题, 其他朋友都会收到邮件.
    • 人无头不走。谁来组织?我对软件工程有点经验,可以参谋参谋。(忙着也是忙着)
    • 偶也充个数!很赞成iLoveIT的想法的说!
    • 我本人比较擅长Unix+C/C++ & Protocol,目前在研究J2EE,有对J2EE感兴趣的请跟贴。
      • 我很感兴趣。我认为:j2ee很有前途。曾经做过j2ee项目,不过是projectManager。现在想多学一点。有点websphere/visualAge经验。还有很多项目文档。
      • 同我一样,原来做UNIX C/C++,6年多CODING,想整整J2EE。不知道你们现在进行怎样?
    • 1.找到可以做的项目.我觉得shareware比较好,一则没有时间压力,二则可以自由选题,三则可能会有些收入.做软件的方法可以参考opensource . 2.建立一个讨论区和资料库.
    • Any turnout? Not want to see that the sound fading away again.
    • 还在读书的接不接受? (帮人问的)
      • Join us http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chinese_java_club/ I got a lot of knowledge of Java. If you anyone interested to talk about java,contact me