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嘿嘿,下面是最近多伦多要有的一些YOGA EVENT和PROMOTION,我在他们的EMAIL 单子上,你看看吧

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Yoga Enthusiast,


Thank you for registering for Yoga Meltdown! This newsletter is designed to keep you up to date with all the latest exciting news about Toronto’s exciting outdoor spiritual yoga festival! This year, aside from the grand festival on Centre Island on July 19, 2009, we are also presenting some very exciting pre-festival events:


Morning Sunrise Yoga at Casa Loma!
Sunday, July 12, 2009 – 8:00am to 9:30am
Imagine doing outdoor yoga as the morning sun rises over the beautiful gardens of magical Casa Loma! Well dream no further. This year, on Sunday, July 12, 2009, Yoga Meltdown, in partnership with the Casa Loma, is presenting a spiritually charged yogic morning! Bring your yoga mat and attend a free yoga class in the famous Casa Loma gardens. Following the class, attendees will be taken to the grand Casa Loma Library for a mantra-meditation session. The morning will culminate with a kirtan-concert given by Toronto's very own Gaura Shakti kirtan-yoga band! Circle July 12, 2009 on your calendar now! While there is no charge for this programme, registration is necessary. To ensure your place on the guest list, please phone Casa Loma (416) 923-1171 ex. 205/215. Please note, space is very limited.


Toronto Morning Yoga Challenge! (Tentative)
Monday, June 13, 2009 – Time TBD
Amongst the skyscrapers, video billboards and the early morning “calm before the storm”, imagine finding your inner peace in the heart of downtown Toronto. Your Yoga Meltdown organizers thrive on delivering innovative and unique locations to hold yoga classes. So, we would like to know if YOU would be interested in taking up Toronto’s Yoga Morning Challenge? We want to get the largest number of yogis and yoginis out at Yonge-Dundas Square on July 13, 2009 to do a morning yoga class. Are you up for the challenge? If so, register on our form online at www.yogameltdown.com and spread the word! As for the timings, we’re leaving it up to you. Just check off what timing works best for you. If we get at least 200 people letting us know that they will be there, we will make this event happen! The deadline to sign up is July 5, 2009. Click Here to Register for the Toronto Morning Yoga Challenge! Stay tuned to find out if Toronto really is ready to take up this challenge!


“Express Yoga” at Yonge-Dundas Square
Monday, June 13, 2009 – 12pm to 5pm
As many of you already know, Yoga Meltdown is presented as part of the 37th Annual Festival of India. This year, the Festival of India will once again present a "pre-festival party" at Yonge-Dundas Square during the week before the main celebrations, to give the City of Toronto a preview of what is to come. This year’s pre-festival will take place on Monday, July 13th, 2009 and will feature interactive exhibits, a bazaar/marketplace, live entertainment and an evening concert! From 12:00pm-5:00pm ongoing 15-minute “Express Yoga” classes will be taking place right in the middle of Yonge-Dundas Square! So drop in whether you’re on your way to work, on your way back home or during your lunch break! Come and get a free, healthy boost of yoga to help you get yourself back in top form. The classes will be facilitated by our wonderful Yoga Meltdown Partners, Yoga Sanctuary and Jivamukti Yoga Toronto.


Sunday, June 19, 2009 – 12pm to 5pm
With all the pre-festival events, you may be wondering what’s in store for the actual day of Yoga Meltdown! We will be sending out a final schedule that will give exact timings for yoga classes, a line-up of the incredible kirtan singers, the various seminars that will be held and much more. So stay tuned!


For more information regarding Yoga Meltdown and to officially register for this year’s festival, please check out www.yogameltdown.com.


If you have any questions, comments or would simply like to share with us your favourite yoga pose, we would LOVE to hear from you. Email us at info@yogameltdown.com!


Looking forward to seeing you this summer!


Festival Organizer
Yoga Meltdown (part of the Festival of India)


Krishna Sharma
Festival of India (Toronto)


You are receiving this email because you signed up for Yoga Meltdown 2008!

To unsubscribe, please email us!

Copyright (C) 2009 Festival of India All rights reserved更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / JMS 有好的 yoga 推荐吗? 主要目的是减肥. 梦想着拥有slim的体型!
    • moksha, yoga tree
    • 嘿嘿,下面是最近多伦多要有的一些YOGA EVENT和PROMOTION,我在他们的EMAIL 单子上,你看看吧
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Yoga Enthusiast,


      Thank you for registering for Yoga Meltdown! This newsletter is designed to keep you up to date with all the latest exciting news about Toronto’s exciting outdoor spiritual yoga festival! This year, aside from the grand festival on Centre Island on July 19, 2009, we are also presenting some very exciting pre-festival events:


      Morning Sunrise Yoga at Casa Loma!
      Sunday, July 12, 2009 – 8:00am to 9:30am
      Imagine doing outdoor yoga as the morning sun rises over the beautiful gardens of magical Casa Loma! Well dream no further. This year, on Sunday, July 12, 2009, Yoga Meltdown, in partnership with the Casa Loma, is presenting a spiritually charged yogic morning! Bring your yoga mat and attend a free yoga class in the famous Casa Loma gardens. Following the class, attendees will be taken to the grand Casa Loma Library for a mantra-meditation session. The morning will culminate with a kirtan-concert given by Toronto's very own Gaura Shakti kirtan-yoga band! Circle July 12, 2009 on your calendar now! While there is no charge for this programme, registration is necessary. To ensure your place on the guest list, please phone Casa Loma (416) 923-1171 ex. 205/215. Please note, space is very limited.


      Toronto Morning Yoga Challenge! (Tentative)
      Monday, June 13, 2009 – Time TBD
      Amongst the skyscrapers, video billboards and the early morning “calm before the storm”, imagine finding your inner peace in the heart of downtown Toronto. Your Yoga Meltdown organizers thrive on delivering innovative and unique locations to hold yoga classes. So, we would like to know if YOU would be interested in taking up Toronto’s Yoga Morning Challenge? We want to get the largest number of yogis and yoginis out at Yonge-Dundas Square on July 13, 2009 to do a morning yoga class. Are you up for the challenge? If so, register on our form online at www.yogameltdown.com and spread the word! As for the timings, we’re leaving it up to you. Just check off what timing works best for you. If we get at least 200 people letting us know that they will be there, we will make this event happen! The deadline to sign up is July 5, 2009. Click Here to Register for the Toronto Morning Yoga Challenge! Stay tuned to find out if Toronto really is ready to take up this challenge!


      “Express Yoga” at Yonge-Dundas Square
      Monday, June 13, 2009 – 12pm to 5pm
      As many of you already know, Yoga Meltdown is presented as part of the 37th Annual Festival of India. This year, the Festival of India will once again present a "pre-festival party" at Yonge-Dundas Square during the week before the main celebrations, to give the City of Toronto a preview of what is to come. This year’s pre-festival will take place on Monday, July 13th, 2009 and will feature interactive exhibits, a bazaar/marketplace, live entertainment and an evening concert! From 12:00pm-5:00pm ongoing 15-minute “Express Yoga” classes will be taking place right in the middle of Yonge-Dundas Square! So drop in whether you’re on your way to work, on your way back home or during your lunch break! Come and get a free, healthy boost of yoga to help you get yourself back in top form. The classes will be facilitated by our wonderful Yoga Meltdown Partners, Yoga Sanctuary and Jivamukti Yoga Toronto.


      Sunday, June 19, 2009 – 12pm to 5pm
      With all the pre-festival events, you may be wondering what’s in store for the actual day of Yoga Meltdown! We will be sending out a final schedule that will give exact timings for yoga classes, a line-up of the incredible kirtan singers, the various seminars that will be held and much more. So stay tuned!


      For more information regarding Yoga Meltdown and to officially register for this year’s festival, please check out www.yogameltdown.com.


      If you have any questions, comments or would simply like to share with us your favourite yoga pose, we would LOVE to hear from you. Email us at info@yogameltdown.com!


      Looking forward to seeing you this summer!


      Festival Organizer
      Yoga Meltdown (part of the Festival of India)


      Krishna Sharma
      Festival of India (Toronto)


      You are receiving this email because you signed up for Yoga Meltdown 2008!

      To unsubscribe, please email us!

      Copyright (C) 2009 Festival of India All rights reserved更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • try Fat Free Yoga, the review is good
      • 谢大家! 最好有哪位JM有啥亲身体验过的, 自己在家做的DVD,我 家里有俩小不点儿, 去不了class, 做梦都想瘦哇!
        • 在家里练估计运动量达不到减肥的要求,最多是健身.
      • 还有忘说了, 减肥心切, 加上有少许基础, 咱不怕往强度大了整.
    • 我有一张richmond hill的bikram yoga的卡,你要是离那里近并且想要的话,我可以转让给你,现在他们和bayview那家不是一家,这张卡不能在bayview那里用了。。。:(
      • 谢谢啦. 我在密市啊, 离那儿还是有一定距离滴.
        • 给你一个网址, 是在OAKVILLE。但是在密市和OAKVILLE交接。我的同事就去哪里,她说很不错。有几个班只要5元。网址:http://www.mykula.ca/welcome-to-kula-oakville.php。 过段时间我也去看看。
          • 多谢!
    • 有没有常做Yoga的JM来说所感受?总觉得这个运动量不够, 以前做过一两月,总要另外加上跑步什么的。
      • up
      • 我的锻炼表:1天瑜珈,1天重量,1天有氧舞蹈,1天搏击。另外要适当控制饮食。通过三个多月的努力,裤子终于都嫌大啦!
    • check this site, it is free, you can try. it is same type of yoga, kundalini yoga
      • 这个,这个, 是个男同志哈. 能不能给个赏心悦目的涅? 咱练 yoga 不也就图个美观吗.
        • Yoga 大师几乎都是男的。
          • 敢情我又外行了.
    • 我觉得YOGA锻炼是不错,不过减肥效果不是那么明显。我一直去一个密市政府办的一个yoga 班,那个老师很不错。。。
      最近几个月因为怀孕反应大,所以没有去了。之前感觉非常不错,而且价格也很便宜. 我记得她夏天也教的, 在HURONTARIO/BRISTOL 那边的那个community centre 教的。。。YOGA INTERMEDIA.
      • 妞妞美女,你能告诉我一点具体情况吗,时间,费用,或者电话,址.谢谢
        • WOOPS, 网址
          • Thanks
        • Used to every Wednesday night 1.5 hr. Seach that website.
          • 我们在密市这边也组织一个瑜伽队伍吧,大家都约着在市政府那里夏天练习瑜伽,平时在社区中心。妈妈们,要多锻炼身体哦,保持体型。
            • 我要参加
            • 我住密市,也想参加~~平时在社区中心的瑜伽课程都是什么时间段的?
          • 我还有一套孕妇妈妈做的瑜伽,很不错,可以share。
    • 韩国的玉珠铉减肥瑜伽,网上可以下载,练的人都说效果不错
      • 太贵了点 觉得community center 和fitness gym 价格差不多 但是项目少好多
      • 能给个下载的link吗? 我不是懒哈, 是电脑盲, google 过了, 不知道哪个才是. 多谢!!
        • 就用“玉珠铉减肥瑜伽”搜,选择有中文配音版的。。。这样不用总是看字幕。。我在VERYCD上用电驴下的,估计你没有这个,所以你就自己搜下吧。。
      • 我练过这个,蛮累的,很有效,每天做坚持两个星期就能看出效果。
        • 夏天MM能给分享下细节吗? 练的时候是啥感觉? 多长时间? 有分不同版本还是只有一个版本, 还有如果能告诉咋搞到DVD 的就更好了. 谢谢啦!
    • Yoga 是一种 Lifestyle,要持之以恒;Power Yoga 的运动强度比较大;但是最好从初级练起,量力而行,否则容易伤到筋骨。
      • JMS , 一不小心咱们上了热点了, 继续努力啊!