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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 这种CAS讲座毫无举办的必要,台面上讲的都是精心包装后的大话、官话、套话,只宣传积极正面的,绝不会自揭伤疤。如果你去听法轮功的讲座,也会觉得似乎很有道理。去看看那些反CAS的网站、报道、官司、游行、受害者的自述……吧,简直铺天盖地。试问,

    • Rollor, Cruise99, I think you are going to do a good job. I salute your contribution to our Chinese community!!
    • 我认为Rollor和Cruise99在这件事情上并没做错什么,任何机构和民众的沟通都是很有必要的
      • 听婊子讲爱情,和绑匪谈道义?
    • CAS处理的都是问题家庭,处理不处理都会造成悲剧,处理稍不完美,就会给人骂,就算处理完美了,也没人赞。这点你都看不到,你是不是更幼稚呢??说话客观点好。
      • 说得挺有道理。处理得好的,一般不会有人出来唱赞歌。处理得不好的,就会被骂。这也是为什么看起来反面事例多的原因之一。
      • 给你一个处理的好的。音频
        • Comparing going to a foster home to riding a subway is totally misguided. This trip sounds like going to a vacation home.
      • 给你一个处理得不好的
      • According to Peel Region CAS there was 最終有4,781名受虐兒童的情況得以核實并妥善處理 for 1 year. How many 受虐兒童 were protected in Canada for a year? And how many of them had complains? What is the %?
        You may go on and on to find individual cases that CAS didn't handle properly. But until we can look at the whole picture, i.e. how many cases that CAS handle a year and how many of them CAS didn't handle it properly? Unfortunately, I don't see any figures. from there web site.
        • 57%的少年犯与CAS有关,36%被的CAS保护的孩子进少管所。只有24%高中毕业。安省1%孩子被CAS所害
          • How many time you posted this message? 10+?
            • 是事实多讲几遍怕什么?让更多的人了解事实有何不妥?倒是那些怕别人多讲事实的人居心叵测。
              • Patrickholder, do you mind to tell rds that 与CAS有关 is not same as in the custody of CAS? Most of the children who are 与CAS有关, actually lives with their own family! Only a very small number are in the custody of CAS.
                So if a child lives with his own parents, then how CAS can be responsible for their academic or if they commit any crime.
                • 孩子即使回到了家,父母也没有教育子女的自由,要与CAS签订不平等条约,稍有不慎就可能再次失去孩子,在CAS的淫威下父母根本不敢教育孩子,哪怕一说孩子考试分数低了,就可能被CAS以emotional abuse 为借口把孩子抢走,这一点,CAS有不可推卸的责任。
                  • CAS会在学校里于任何时间(每2星期)把孩子抓出来审问,不仅影响学习,而且使同学与老师对他另眼相看。有时,每次问相似的问题,教育孩子说谎(不要告诉父母)有时孩子不耐烦了,就干脆承认,于是,他们就又被带走。换学校。这样,他们能学好吗?
                    • Can you please tell me how many children that CAS would interview every 2 weeks. I know a few family that was interviewed by CAS and CAS only went back to visit their child once. You often provide extreme cases,
                      but never show us the big picture
                  • Can you please show us those 不平等条约 and let's see how 不平等 it is. And aslo please provide example that CAS seized a child when his result is poor. I would forward these example to my MPP. Thanks.
                    • 就像不让bluelove单独照顾婴儿。
                      • I think the one with bluelove may not be unfair but I am more interested about the one that you mentioned "孩子即使回到了家,父母也没有教育子女的自由" and "哪怕一说孩子考试分数低了,就可能被CAS以emotional abuse 为借口把孩子抢走"
                        afterall, I argued "57%的少年犯与CAS有关,36%被的CAS保护的孩子进少管所。只有24%高中毕业" is not CAS responsibility but you said even most of them lived with their parents their parents have no control on how to educate the children.

                        I wasnt to see some solid evidence on your complain.
          • The report, which was obtained by CBC News, lays much of the blame on group homes that rely too heavily on police to resolve problems that could be handled by staff.
            Kids have been charged for everything from refusing to read a book or hitting someone with a tea towel, Finlay said. One group home in Ontario called police 400 times in a single year
          • She called for stable funding for a variety of services that could help families at an early stage of children's lives and provide what Turpel-Lafond called "protective factors" to keep the children out of the justice system.
            Panellist Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, BC's Representative for Children and Youth, used the opportunity to release some preliminary results from her upcoming report, which examines the relationship between youth in care and the justice system. Turpel-Lafond told the audience that her research shows, "children in care in British Columbia have had a higher probability of ending up in the corrections system — 36 percent of them — than they did of graduating from high school, which is 24 percent. I think that's probably the most staggering finding, because it's exactly not the outcome that we want for them."

            The Representative emphasized that she has found that children in care who stay out of the justice system did so because they had better support. She called for stable funding for a variety of services that could help families at an early stage of children's lives and provide what Turpel-Lafond called "protective factors" to keep the children out of the justice system.
        • 这4,781名受虐兒童中不知有多少是以莫须有的罪名错抓的,就像刮痧。又如上面的例子:
          • that was my question, how many? none?
            • 我刚贴过你又说none,我只好再贴一次(这就是有些贴得比较多的原因)
              • Can you please post one more time for the one that is handled by Peel Region CAS, sicne the number I quoted was from Peel Region CAS.
                • Click
                  • I don't see how Peel Region CAS mishanled it. A boy complained to his teacher that his own father physically abused him; CAS had to investigate. And the case was taken to court and then CAS just followed the court order.
                    What did CAD do wrong this time?
            • 再来一例:北京夫妇温哥华产婴 婴儿受伤女被带走
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛北京夫妇温哥华产婴 婴儿受伤女被带走(图)
              2009-02-02 02:02:30 来源网站:明报 点击:1816
                女婴疑遭摇晃 大女被寄养家庭欺凌









                被指重男轻女 叹遭遇不幸




                夫妇前日探访大女儿的时候,女儿言语间透露了一些在寄养家庭被欺负的情况,在场的社工也是很紧张的问女儿问题,但再下去就不让两人与女儿说话了。儿童厅、社工等无论如何也不肯让他们再见女儿。父母于是希望将女儿即晚从寄养家庭取走,放到朋友的家,但同样被儿童厅拒绝,他们只答应会换过一个寄养家庭,不过直至昨日,都不知道女儿在哪。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • Since you did so much research on CAS problem? Do you mind telling me how many cases that was mishandled by CAS within 1 year?
                • I guess 100%
                  • Another guess!
              • 那么,你认为婴儿脑部内伤,不应该有组织介入调查吗?万一真的是父母不小心造成的,难道要婴儿死了才来调查??
          • 看看16岁的孩子13岁时complain后有人听她的吗?如果更小呢?
          • 一区一年4781个儿童, 值得骄傲呀。如果只有478个那可是不够成绩。根据2006的统计数字:该区共有359,042家住户。即使不刨除无孩住户(应该至少占1/3),这意味着每一百家住户每年就有1.3个小孩被CAS认为被虐。如果CAS是对的话,驻密市的朋友要小心了。
            • 统计一下这个数字里移民和ESL家庭占有多少比例,更能揭示出一些道理。
        • 父母见不到小孩,有多少小孩懂得complain,有能力complain.
        • 你敢complain吗?小孩吊在他们手上逼你签字你能不签吗?看看complain的下场
      • 既然“处理不处理都会造成悲剧”,那还安省每年用15亿民脂民膏来处理干啥?
        • somebody benefit from it, not tax payer like you and me
        • and they have more resource to turn or keep the system their way
        • 有不称职的父母本身就是悲剧,所以才需要一个组织来帮助。可惜,谁也代替不了父母,所以最终的结局也不会是最完美的结局,很简单的道理,你不会不明白吧。
      • 听婊子讲爱情,和绑匪谈道义
    • 沟通。这次讲座的目的是为了沟通。多听听,多看看。我觉得 CAS 制度有需要改进的地方,但不可能一无是处。了解质疑的同时了解辩解,对我们理解事情的全貌大有益处。
      • CAS是当事一方,泛泛而谈将无助于事。