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她实在天真, 原来今晚她不过是他的一个棋子,她没有恨他的残忍,只是不可以伟大地去安抚一个为别的女人伤心的男人,于是她选择沉默





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  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 婚礼的祝福
    • 人总是不懂得珍惜身边的人。。。
      • en...好好珍惜吧
    • 你应该甩他个大嘴巴。让他立马停车,走人。
      • 高速上,这么干,危险
        • 那就让他先下高速,再打
      • 她不是我。。。文章来源于朋去赴约前一分钟兴奋的电话和回家后一小时的哭诉。。。
    • 不懂得珍惜,再给他次机会,结果还是一样。。。
      • 爱情是两个巴掌的事情,一个巴掌不响。我看那个男的都不喜欢那个女的,所以珍惜都谈不上。
        • 是呀,没有开始也谈不上结束,珍惜什么呢?
      • 身边太多女人。。。他早已失去爱的能力。。。
    • 笨猪,为了一份不属于自己的感情而忽略身边美丽多情的女主人公。。。
      • 男人痴情,是要给人骂笨猪的
        • 嘿嘿
      • 我觉得不一定是为了那个新娘了。如果那个前女友还没有结婚,他一样不会娶她。之所以他现在这么难过,因为他自己的孤单,他更多是为自己难过,嘿嘿
        • 也许是一叶障目呢
    • 台电视剧了,现实中应该不会有这种事
      • 有的,其实现实里面很多事情比电视剧还电视剧呢,嘿嘿,世界真奇妙
        • 真的。。。?遇到这种男人怎么也得让他多请几次大餐,吃到他永生难忘才能去美国吧!
          • 啊,嘿嘿,如果那样,男生第一时间就不会喜欢那个女生了,更不用说在她混乱的时候,意乱情迷,痛苦万分呢
        • 没办法,现在的人看电视剧长大的。
          • 谁不是呢
      • 电视剧都来自于现实。。。
      • 其实生活有时候可比那电视剧戏剧化多了去了,呵呵。
    • not sure what the guy did wrong. he just invited a female friend to attend his ex-girlfriend's wedding -- as simple as we take someone to a company Christmas party. the "female" friend thinks too much and has too much fantasy. he should not drive
      after consuming too much alcohol. but it is the girl's own stupidity led her to get in the passenger seat with such an irresponsible guy.
      • 这个,其实我也是这么认为滴,,,
        • 某人欣赏某人,某人便一定要以爱来回报?
          • 因为伤感或者孤单,便接受一份自己清楚不爱的感情,,,这是一个对自己负责任的男人吗?
            • 有道理。
            • 棋子?残忍?自私?没有读到他对她的承诺呀~~~~
      • There is nothing wrong in both parties...but once a girl loves a man...she always tend to think too much and be sensetive...she just felt hurt after the party...I understand her feelings...
        because we are women....
        • You mean that woman was born to be foolish?
          • no...only when a woman falls in love....
            • 聪明的女人是不会掉到虚假的爱情里的。。。。。。。。
        • I thought the first rule of "relationship101" is that love must be mutual or reciprocal. emotional attachment of the nature of "one way street" either creates stalkers or crying babies because it deprives us of our sound judgement and sanity.
      • Well the guy’s simply giving the girl wrong signals – if we call the girl you take to company Xmas party as your “significant other”, as said on the invitation, isn’t the girl you take to your ex’ wedding even more significant?
        • well said....:)
        • since when we started flagging the person we take to company Christmas party our "significant other"? and, should a mature woman undergo some kind of emotional turbulence just because of some dubious "signal"? I know
          30 yrs ago you have to commit yourself to someone if you dare to hold that person's hands -- but I thought we now live in a modern, open, and free society, am I wrong?
          • if you read the invitation emails your company HR sent out for Xmas party, the person you take with you to the event, is supposed to be your "significant other". well, if she's not that person, better not to - especially you know she's falling for u
            • wow, I did not know corporate HR is also in charge of "match-making" (just joking). actually, I think it is a matter of corporate culture. on our invitation it is simply "guest". and
              I was asked by co-workers to be their date at the party if I have no other committement.
          • agree. just people are different. better know your friends and don't cross the border or you can choice to just stay as friends with the ones who are similiar to you. btw, welcome back :)
    • 对于一个女人来说,有两件事绝不能做:绝不去爬一面倒向自己的墙,绝不去抱一个倒向别的女人的男人。。。。。。。