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simple ambundance life

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛exempts from a daybook of comfort and joy


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.


Experience the simple pleasure of concentrating on one task at a time. When we take stock of our lives and let gratitude begin its transformative work, the next step on the path unfolds naturally. When we appreciate how much we have, we feel the urge to pare down, get back to basics, and learn what is essential for our happiness.
Today is a gift to be simple
Today is a gift to be free
Today is a gift to come down
Where we ought to be
And when we find ourselves
In the place that’s right
I will be in the valley
Of love and delight


Order is the shape upon which beauty depends. There is a divine order – a sublime order – inherent in the universe. We can tap into this powerful source of creative energy when we are willing to gradually cultivate a sense of order as to how we conduct our daily affairs.


Harmony is the inner cadence of contentment we feel when the melody of life is in tune. We are able to strike the right chord – to balance the expectations of our families and our responsibilities in the world on the one hand with our inner needs for spiritual growth and personal expression on the other. This is one of the most difficult challenges we faces because it requires that we make choices every day. Usually when the distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we eliminate is the thing we need the most: quiet, reflective time - time to dream, time to contemplate what’s working and what’s not, so that we can make changes for the better.


We learn to be grateful no matter what our circumstances may be. In offering gratitude for our real lives, we discover how to change them for the better. As we embrace simplicity, we learn that less is truly more. This freedom encourages us to bring order to our affairs and cultivate harmony in our inner world. Going at our own pace, learning to recognize our limitations, appreciating our progress, we weave the lessons into the fabric of our daily moments until they become a part of us. We come to a deep awareness that creating a beautiful life is our highest calling.


Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy. But this requires a profound inner shift in our reality. I learn to trust the flow of life and the goodness of spirit. I began to expect the best from any situation. I could write new chapters in my life with happy endings. I am willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.

Acres of diamonds

Within each of us lie a wellspring of abundance and the seeds of opportunity. For each of us there is a deeply personal dream waiting to be discovered and fulfilled. When we cherish our dream and then invest love, creative energy, perseverance, and passion in ourselves, we will achieve an authentic success.


What is acceptance? Acceptance is surrendering to what is: our circumstances, our feelings, our problems, our financial status, our work, our health, our relationships with other people, the delay of our dreams. The acceptance has become the long sign of the soul. It is the closed eyes in prayer. It’s all right, as in “all right, you lead, I will follow”. Everything is going to turn out all right.

Blessing our circumstances

Bless a thing and it will bless you. If I bless a situation, it has no power to hurt me, and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out, if I sincerely bless it.
Blessed be the morning for me and mine. Blessed be the day for me and mine. Blessed be the night for me and mine. My work is a prayer for good for me and mine.
I will write myself into well-being.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下拾英 / 人生足迹 / 失业一百天心路历程
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛从5月19日下岗到今天已经100天了, 我还没有找到工作。心里的担心和迷茫时轻时重。有时觉得当前经济不好,等一阵子就会好了; 有时觉得不对劲, 好像一辈子也找不到工作似的。
    2009 年5月18号是我来加拿大6周年。在公司的小会议室里,我和老板大动干戈。在他骂我:“stupid, idiot, high school student, the worst CA ever seen” 之后,我也慷慨激昂地回应:“除了我还有哪个CA愿意为你工作呢?如果我是最差劲的CA,你就是最差劲的老板。”就这样我被开了。
    当时正赶上教堂组织福音营,我们一家人在那里玩了3天,认识一些朋友,我先生居然也决志信了主!我觉得简直是因祸得福!回来之后也是信心满满地面对新生活。我想当年我没有加拿大的工作经验也没有CA Designation还不是找到工作了。现在该有的我都有了,有什麽可怕的呢?
    下岗第一周:在排名前10位的job site 张贴简历。策略是姜太公钓鱼愿者上钩; 主攻方向是大公司高级税务分析师;
    1. Robert Half
    2. PeopleFind
    3. IfindCA
    4. HAYS
    5. The Mergis Group
    6. AccountingAdvantage
    7. WWWWork
    8. The Managers
    9. The Mason Group
    10. Kaymac
    11. 500 staffing
    12. Toronto Jobs
    13. PTS
    1. HOBB & company (2 rounds)
    2. Deloitte (4 rounds)
    3. E&Y (1 round)
    4. Fuller Landau LLP (1 round)
    5. Tino Gaetani Carusi (2 rounds)
    6. Acuity Funds Ltd (1 round)
    7. Cadesky and Associates LLP (2 rounds)
    8. City of Mississauga (2 rounds)
    1. 大出血- 为了把上到一半的CICA In-depth tax course进行到底, 不得不在没有雇主赞助的情况下自己垫付($5,000 tuition fee + $1,800 accommodation fee)
    2. 不平衡- 朋友的豪宅令我羡慕;朋友的老二老三让我后悔;一起培训的学友让我嫉妒(75% from big 4 accounting firms; 30% are Chinese; one senior manager in KPMG named Vivian Chen only 30 years old). 我开始把自己和那些学友比较- 至少40%参训人员不是CA; 是CA的至少95% 不是MBA, 又是CA又是MBA的打赌不是Master degree in computer Science; 英语口语我是有口音,可那些中国人都有啊; KPMG的高级经理我们的助教口音和我有得一拼. 为啥人家都过得好好的,我就这麽潦倒呢?
    3. 生病了- 有猎头提醒我,我的reference 有问题, 和我闹僵的公司tax partner在圈内影响很大. 我彻底崩溃! 因为我根本没有把那个家伙放到我的reference list上! 我也不可能去求他给我好的推荐. 我有自己的做人原则. 烈怒中向一家公司的老板求证被告知:”我们和喜欢你,但是我认识Michael已经20年了,他的话让我对你没有信心”
    现阶段- 迷茫
    如果我没有证书,我会去考; 如果我的简历不吸引人,我可以去改(花钱改也行啊); 如果我英语听说读写有问题, 我可以去学; 可现在推荐人有问题(我根本没让他推荐嘛), 他在我控制范围之外啊!
    1. 千万别和老板闹僵了! 除非你是很特别的人才(明星, 科学家, 大客户经理, 领域专家)
    2. 别跳槽太勤, 老板一定要对眼 – 我在第一家工作6个月就走了因为工资太低; 第二家工作17个月离开为了投奔我先生(两地分居); 第三家8个月因为不是人呆得地方.
    3. 和同事或业界的人士要建立关系: 我就很不擅长建立关系. 在单位除了和老板不和, 和其他同事基本不来往. 从来没有矛盾也没有关系; 开始总有些同事到我办公室来谈谈, 可我和他们好像没话说; 慢慢地大家也不来了; 在专业税务学习时, 周围全是大公司的人,本来是结交的黄金时机, 可我一句话也想不出来. 每次都是客套地回复老外礼节性地询问:”how are you today?” “Not bad, thank you, and you?”
    4. 心态要好. 找工作是3分本事, 7分运气 (主要针对会计行业); 不要幻想有证了就万事大吉了. 加拿大是一个很保守的国家. 对行业经验, 具体软件的使用, 工作年限等等都有条条框框的要求. 得意的时候多积德; 失意的时候多休息; 说到底工作也是为了让我们有一份安全感和成就感; faith最能给人安全感; giving最能给人成就感.
    5. 别对别人抱希望: 自己的问题只有自己解决!大多数人喜欢同情弱者而不是提携和自己半斤八两的.直接上级喜欢招和自己背景相似但比自己差一点的;CGA controller 从来不招 CA assistant; 教堂和学校先找到工作的肯定不是能干的而是会做人的.
    6. 对家人要好:失业的同时也失意; 失意的时候想要别人陪; 特别不想做家务; 可是家人往往不能理解; 他们想你的时间多起来,我们的伙食质量怎麽更差了呢; 他们认为你现在没事干了,很多他们的任务也可以给你了. 对此, 为了家庭的安定团结, 我们失业的人最好任劳任怨一点.
    1. 每天起床之前先提醒自己今天没有任何可操心的事情: 有地方睡觉; 有东西吃; 有衣服穿; 没有要命的病; 有家人在身边;
    2. 每天睡觉前对着镜子看着自己的眼睛夸夸自己:今天我烧了饭; 打扫了卫生; 发了2份简历; 读了书;看了报; 没发脾气; ……
    3. 每次伤心, 生气, 绝望的时候立即感恩: everyday in everything, by the grace of God, I become better and better.
    4. 爱惜身体:锻炼1小时; 睡眠8小时; 静坐30分钟; 喝绿茶3杯
    5. 读好书: 平时没有时间, 就拿这次事业当进修好了. 争取拿个成功学/幸福学博士更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • good luck.. believe yourself and you can make it
    • 您都CA了,以前做事情好像还是没想清楚。现在有点刺激也不一定是坏事。
    • 相信自己没错, 以后不要为了口气鸡蛋碰石头. 找michael说that is a learning experience?
    • 1, 2, 3
      1) Take time to think twice what you did pissed off Michael. Never make same mistake again. Always be professional, all the time.

      2) No need to compare with others, you need stretch to the maximum of your potential, that's it and that's all.

      3) Be positive, talk to friends with positive attitude. Don't let your belief system down. Every cloud has a silver lining.
      • 楼主是很强,但是,你写的这东西,可能让你进入另外一轮的麻烦。政治斗争的经验还是要继续修炼。
      • 很有智慧的1,2,3
        谢谢你的良言!我一直在反省为什么在这个firm和partners搞得这么僵。想清楚之后再和大家分享。也许是他们变态自大, 而我变态自恋! 大家都是egoists.
        • 是呀,给别人打工很不容易呀!但我想我们还是应该记住最主要的:不就是混口饭吃吗?我是想开了,你让我干什么我就干什么;你让我怎么干我就怎么干;只要给我不断地开工资,我是无所谓。
    • forget about sucker michael, go to look around in States to find more opportunity. 这个Michael突然让我想起了姜尚的法术:“钉头七箭书”。
      • 美国之路
        我也考虑弃加投美。 目前正在备考9月的IQEX。 可是感到美国公司似乎不大注重加拿大的工作经验。再说美国那么大,去哪儿好呢? 有没有正在考CPA并计划去美国的朋友, 大家可以结伴同行啊!
        • 你有资历,有证书,有过专业性的training, 如果不想弃加,就往加西一带发发简历,如果想弃加,美国那么大的市场,人家才不care你什么Canadian呢,记得一个网上熟人曾经和我说过,人家一谈论加拿大时,
    • 同感, 楼主加油,失业在家的计划很好,坚持
    • Ding!
    • Key is: too many CA, too few positions.
      If demand is high, who cares about Michael. Everyone goes after CA.

      In the end, it is the relation of supply and demand.

      My 2 cents.
    • 你EI了吗
    • 如何注册CICA In-depth course?
      有位朋友问如何注册CICA In-depth course? 详细情况请点击 http://courses.tax.ca/information/about.cfm
      基本不建议自费读, 因为对找工作没有什么帮助。 做tax compliance工作的不需要上这个课。做tax planning 入门门槛比较高。
      时间历时2年, 全部费用2万多。 没有CCH Library (每2个月更新1次,年费$5,000), 很难follow up。
      中间还不能停, 如果听课保留学籍好要交500CAD!
    • Talk to Michael. Maybe he does have a point or two? Even though I believe you have points too. The world is full of compromises.
      • 哈,刚打算回复楼主,结果发现你的回复了. LZ,跟你老板谈谈(内有正文,请留意).
        哈,刚打算回复楼主,结果发现你的回复了. LZ,跟你老板谈谈.
        我当初也是老板骂人,难听的,我一生气辞职了. 后来一想要留条后路,走之前去跟我老板谈了谈.
        后来曾经有中介帮我介绍工作,非找前老板做背景调查, 我打了电话给他. 他秘书说, 我这么硬气的人找他,肯定是遇到困难了,所以他一定要帮.
        所以我建议你找你老板,跟他谈谈, 道个歉, 没什么大不了了. 吃饭最重要.
      • This is indeed a good suggestion, although it will be very hard to follow.
    • Keep trying! God tell you to do what you are good at. Believe it.
    • 塞翁失马,焉知非福?
      1。不要跟人比,人比人,气死人。别人能混得好,自有他的过人之处。 别人也会羡慕你,CA不是那么好拿的。
      2。 你有8次面试机会,在现在的经济状况下,说明还是有市场的。多看看面试技巧的书,上网查面试资料,想必会有帮助。
      3。 Reference 出了问题,不会每个愿给offer的公司都熟知你的老板。不必太在意。
      4。 心态要好,得之我幸,不得我命。最后得到的,一定是最适合你的。
      Keep going & Good Luck!
      • 有朋友的感觉真好
        来投奔老公11个月了,前8个月在奔命:因为不会开车又要经常到很远的地方去做审计,老公上班下班都要保持正常,我也要按时到客户那里.所以几乎天天是披星戴月.接下来找工作也是很不方便.所以时常怀念在montreal时候的方便,一张地铁票走遍蒙城.到了这里也没有朋友.在新的教堂也没能很好融入.挣扎了100天,决心和大家分享一下.主要是希望1. 安慰和我一样身处逆境的朋友; 2.结交新的朋友;3.抛砖引玉:有心得的朋友都可以分享自己如何度过人生最难的困境.

        大家给我的留言都让我感到温暖和感动. 特别是sunny. 文如其人真的很阳光! 谢谢了!
      • 我也因为reference的关系搞砸过一份工作,我还是跟老板无怨无愁的情况下被她莫 明其妙地害了一次。不过我现在也找到了比那份工作更好的工作,所以没有人可以 一手遮天的。只要你有本事,她/他挡不住你发财。
    • simple ambundance life
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛exempts from a daybook of comfort and joy


      Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.


      Experience the simple pleasure of concentrating on one task at a time. When we take stock of our lives and let gratitude begin its transformative work, the next step on the path unfolds naturally. When we appreciate how much we have, we feel the urge to pare down, get back to basics, and learn what is essential for our happiness.
      Today is a gift to be simple
      Today is a gift to be free
      Today is a gift to come down
      Where we ought to be
      And when we find ourselves
      In the place that’s right
      I will be in the valley
      Of love and delight


      Order is the shape upon which beauty depends. There is a divine order – a sublime order – inherent in the universe. We can tap into this powerful source of creative energy when we are willing to gradually cultivate a sense of order as to how we conduct our daily affairs.


      Harmony is the inner cadence of contentment we feel when the melody of life is in tune. We are able to strike the right chord – to balance the expectations of our families and our responsibilities in the world on the one hand with our inner needs for spiritual growth and personal expression on the other. This is one of the most difficult challenges we faces because it requires that we make choices every day. Usually when the distractions of daily life deplete our energy, the first thing we eliminate is the thing we need the most: quiet, reflective time - time to dream, time to contemplate what’s working and what’s not, so that we can make changes for the better.


      We learn to be grateful no matter what our circumstances may be. In offering gratitude for our real lives, we discover how to change them for the better. As we embrace simplicity, we learn that less is truly more. This freedom encourages us to bring order to our affairs and cultivate harmony in our inner world. Going at our own pace, learning to recognize our limitations, appreciating our progress, we weave the lessons into the fabric of our daily moments until they become a part of us. We come to a deep awareness that creating a beautiful life is our highest calling.


      Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy. But this requires a profound inner shift in our reality. I learn to trust the flow of life and the goodness of spirit. I began to expect the best from any situation. I could write new chapters in my life with happy endings. I am willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.

      Acres of diamonds

      Within each of us lie a wellspring of abundance and the seeds of opportunity. For each of us there is a deeply personal dream waiting to be discovered and fulfilled. When we cherish our dream and then invest love, creative energy, perseverance, and passion in ourselves, we will achieve an authentic success.


      What is acceptance? Acceptance is surrendering to what is: our circumstances, our feelings, our problems, our financial status, our work, our health, our relationships with other people, the delay of our dreams. The acceptance has become the long sign of the soul. It is the closed eyes in prayer. It’s all right, as in “all right, you lead, I will follow”. Everything is going to turn out all right.

      Blessing our circumstances

      Bless a thing and it will bless you. If I bless a situation, it has no power to hurt me, and even if it is troublesome for a time, it will gradually fade out, if I sincerely bless it.
      Blessed be the morning for me and mine. Blessed be the day for me and mine. Blessed be the night for me and mine. My work is a prayer for good for me and mine.
      I will write myself into well-being.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 12 ways to true happiness
      It listed 12 ways to keep us happy and I would like to share with you:

      1. gratitude: write down 5 items that you appreciated during the day
      2. optimism: always expect the best things going to happen to you
      3. active involvement: keep yourself busy
      4. exercise: physical fitness
      5. commitment to your goals/dreams: never give up your burning desires
      6. coping: endure difficulties, hurts
      7. nurturing relationship: choose one person to strengthen the relationship
      8. learning forgive
      9. stop comparison
      10. pray
      11. practice active kindness
      12. recall good memories and share with others
    • 100天并不长,好日子就快来了
      • 和气生财,哪里有同衣食父母顶嘴的道理?当年另外部门的经理无理大骂的时候,俺也就是沉默不答,赚钱要紧。顾客可以胡闹,但店家最多陪个笑脸。伸手不打笑脸人。
        • 围城说过,人赌气辞职不座位子,受苦的只有自己的双腿,位子总是有人坐。 老板是钱包,由他骂去,只要不少一文的工资,干吗跟钱包过不去? 收了钱,不让人骂骂心理也过不去。
          • 有一个字画,就是百忍成金,我们活在世上,就是百忍成加币。忍气吞声。才可以天天有饭吃,房子有的供,孩子有的美好未来。谁不是骂声中发财?
            • 从前: 好馬不吃回頭草------现在: 好漢不吃眼前虧,做人好過做畜牲。
            • 这哪里是孙猴子啊?这明显是猪八戒。
        • depends on extent and frequency - working for a bully can ruin your health and self esteem
          • 同意!
        • There are reasonable bosses in this world, you just have to find them and work hard to keep your position.
      • Just for today- Marjorie Holmes's prayer
        Hi, friends, let's us pray this simple prayer and receive God's daily grace with no failure.

        "Oh, God, give me grace for this day.
        Not for a lifetime, nor for next week, nor for tomorrow,
        just for this day.
        Direct my thoughts and bless it.
        Direct the bless everything that I think and speak and do.
        So that for this one day, just this one day,
        I have the gift of grace that comes from your presence ...."
    • 朋友失业二百多天了, 依然很乐观. 人生浮浮沉沉, 一切会好的.
    • 做人比做事难,做人的很好方法就是大智若愚而不是锋芒毕露,给人打工的一定要夹着尾巴做人. 以前在国内上MBA时老师曾说过, BOSS永永远远是对的.
    • 占个位.收藏.
    • 同情,不抗骂主要是国移的通病,主人翁的心态太强,自尊心太强,没有殖民地国民心态从骨髓里,有的人也是自己提醒自己,如CAA等。祝好运,不过在文字里还是感觉焦躁。
      • "殖民地国民心态从骨髓里" good point! 以前在美国还真没见过那么多人prostitute themselves in order to keep their jobs
        • 可能是指菲律宾,印度等
          • haha...小加就是servants congretation place
    • I like this part :"最后就是分享一些让自己开心的简单方法"
    • I really admire you, seriously, you have MBA, CA, master degree in computer science. Just a little curious, what do you really want?
      IT or finance or Tax professional? Do you think if those so-called good qualification make you feel too good about yourself?
    • 失业阵线联盟
      很想组织一个失业俱乐部, 欢迎所有失业的朋友参加. 目的不外乎是苦中求乐. 另外再次呼吁我们的老伴多关心和支持我们这些失业的失意人. 具体爱心行动可包括但不限于:
      1. 如果饭菜好吃, 请不吝夸奖并自觉洗碗;
      2. 如果觉得不肉麻和别扭, 可以多夸夸老婆年轻,好看, 温柔, 坚强等等
      3. 睡觉前, 上班前给个温暖的拥抱
      5. 允许并热情支持"不必要的开销" - 心情不好需要更多小资情调嘛
      6. 多生几个孩子. 来加拿大还坚持计划生育多傻
      7. 不要催我们, 我们想上班的心情更迫切
      • 要想工作成功,就要和工作成功的人士在一起,要想婚姻幸福,就和婚姻幸福在一起,失业阵线联盟 不算是个好主意
        • 你的主意很好但行不通啊!- 失业的人怎麽和事业成功的人混在一起呢? 你们要上班啊?
      • 很想安慰你一下。觉得自己也没什么资质。
        引用圣经的话:玛拉基书 3:3 他必坐下如炼净银子的.如果今天你感觉处在水深火热中,请记住上帝一直注视着你直到他在你身上看到他的像。

        我当初找工作找的也很辛苦,拿着2个本科,CGA level 4,找了大半年,才找到现在这份很少钱的工作。我的同学们都找的比我轻松,有的1个星期就找到,有的做clerk的,工资是我的1.5倍。我对自己的career path也非常迷惑。不过目前为止,我除了祷告也没什么可以干的,神预备的一定是最好的,神比人更了解人。耐心等待吧。
      • 我觉得这个提议很好。工作只是人生的一部分,工作成功的最终目的是为了有钱去享受你的人生。心态放好一些,不要着急,不妨跳出来,换个角度看问题。我的情况几乎跟你一模一样,也被Layoff在家了,但我觉得日子过得很舒服,如果不是觉得我应该找工作了,我真想就这么呆下去。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我基本潜水,很少露面,但很想和你交流交流。

        我不是CA是CGA,在CA firm干了4年多了,在国内时也混了个master degree in computer science。



        回来一个多月了,基本正事儿没干,儿子在放暑假,我也没给他联系夏令营,就在家带儿子。每天都阳光灿烂,出去骑自行车,轮滑,打篮球,周末到附近沙滩游泳,野餐,时间过得很快。这么多年除了上班,就是看CGA,心里总有事儿,别的都没有尽情的享受过,现在我完全解放了,一个月里,上网把“潜伏”,“人间正道是沧桑”都看完了,又看了4部小说:“Twilight” 和3个续集,把家里的圣经也翻出来看看。

        拿着钱休息,多好的机会呀,为什么不享受哪?我总提醒自己不要再对过去耿耿于怀,一切都会过去的。你pm我,我们可以聊一聊。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 要求加入, 请看PM.
        • 我们聚会吧
          谁对GTA比较熟悉, 能想出一个适合聚会的场所(安静,幽雅,实惠,交通便利), 我们的失业俱乐部也可以开张了。大家可以分享一下:
          1 如何写简历, 找工作, 做reference check
          2. 平时怎麽打发时间
          3 怎麽找一些大家可以一起去参加的现金工(边聚会边打累脖)
          4 一起玩玩乐乐 (逛街, 游泳, 健身) 
          5 交换菜谱, 美容秘诀
          • 现金工(边聚会边打累脖)? 两个masters这么快 去干那个? LZ 什么背经啊?
            • 我就是爱钱又缺钱的人--- 打现金工不是很好吗?
              • I want to join
          • Count me in! I live in GTA west, available before Thanksgiving.
          • I want to join you. I just finished my contract It is good to have job finding partner.
            • 怎麽联系你们啊?
              • 呵呵,想法不错。
              • 我也想加入, 因为也是同道中人,失业后, 心理一直调整不过来,直到最近突然醒悟了一点,觉得应该趁机好好享受一下生活,但苦于多年来一直忙碌, 突然的空闲生活, 不知该做什么.有聚会消息,请通知我.
    • 看帖的有有钱人吗?
      我发现mississauga居然找不到一家好的茶庄. 好不容易找到一个天长地久茶馆又只有台湾乌龙! 谁有钱开家茶楼加书吧, 顺便也卖茶叶, 那该多好! 如果你有钱投资, 没人料理, 那就更好了 --- 失业俱乐部成员竭诚为你服务.
    • EQ EQ EQ. 在哪儿都是3分本事, 7分运气.
    • sent you a PM