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input: allow single data input, using standard input device, i.e., keyboard, or batch data in plain text file format

output: monitor

a warehouse, has some initial repository, this initial data is stored in a plain text file, load this file at beginning of program, must serialized/deserialized
Then, everyday, there would be some incoming goods or some outgoing goods, label as positive data and negative data

these data can be input via keyboard or datafile as descrbed above.

Calculating result should be output to a text file and serialized, store in your local harddisk.
Every time when program starts, load the data file, deserializes it and stores in a list or whatever you think is appropriate.

Goal: To create a fixed format report, display every item's outgoing quantity, incoming quantity and the lastest repository base on the data stored in serialized file.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / 在上college 的 Java 课,有project assignment. 这里有很多IT 高手, 可不可以帮忙出个不太难的课题?谢谢。
    • 做个十字路口交通灯控制模块吧
      • 呵呵,那个用单片机的汇编语言都能做的了,还用得着Java?
        • 读题不仔细,一看就是技术大拿。
          • 嘿嘿,遭到表扬了呵 :)
      • 这个不行,正好是老师的Sample。
      • 有PLC很简单的,干吗用java?写个framework吧
        • 读题不仔细,一看就是技术大拿。 -buma(。。。。); 2.17 12:25 (#5888134@0)
    • 俺们当时的题目是 银行提款机取钱。
    • 试试简单的仓储管理?
      input: allow single data input, using standard input device, i.e., keyboard, or batch data in plain text file format

      output: monitor

      a warehouse, has some initial repository, this initial data is stored in a plain text file, load this file at beginning of program, must serialized/deserialized
      Then, everyday, there would be some incoming goods or some outgoing goods, label as positive data and negative data

      these data can be input via keyboard or datafile as descrbed above.

      Calculating result should be output to a text file and serialized, store in your local harddisk.
      Every time when program starts, load the data file, deserializes it and stores in a list or whatever you think is appropriate.

      Goal: To create a fixed format report, display every item's outgoing quantity, incoming quantity and the lastest repository base on the data stored in serialized file.
      • 谢谢。有没有个人爱好或家庭题材的?
    • 做一个blog网站吧。或者forum网站。
      • I need a blog.
    • 嗨,不早说。这不,刚过了情人节吗!会JDBC吗?如果会,做个GF找BY或者BY找GF的小应用程序。Run from command line or with GUI均可。数据储存在RDBMS or XML file均可。
      User needs to register (user ID & password, gender, age, hobbies).
      User needs to log in to the system.
      User can enter personal data.
      User can update personal data.
      User can delete personal data.
      User can search the system for potential matches.
      User can view the details of a matching person.
      A male user can only search for females. Vice verse. Hehe, 有点歧视的味道喔。
      • 这个高。就叫Match.
        • Glad that you like it. Wish you best of the luck. Remember: 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。Programming is like 下围棋,入门很容易,但做个高手灰常灰常难。
    • 可以泼一盆水吗?我就不相信在你的生活中没有遇到过需要程序解决的问题,如果连这种问题都发现不了,那可能就是入错行了!
      • 接你这盆水。我当然在生活中没有遇到过需要程序解决的问题,问题是现在需要一个不大不小,doable的课题。另外,现在是初学IT,还没有入行。是不是入错行,现在还不好说。我希望能有建设性的建议。
        • 麻袋不够thick roads.对于新人应当多鼓励,多帮助。
        • 我的理解
          • 严重同意啊! 或许楼主真的是入错行了,
          • 大佬,我只想用尽短的时间做完作业,拿学分走人,以后有机会做个IT民工,混口饭吃。我不奢望成为IT大佬。
            • 不好意思,我不是大佬,我是真正的 IT 民工。我们有可能会抢同一口饭吃的。
      • I cannot image any proper project from our normal life. But I don’t feel I’m in a wrong career.
    • 做一个英文绿坝吧,只要发现有大片的肉色就显示 you are looking at a very yellow picture, you are a bad kid, I am calling your parents now, ho ho ho!
      • 这个有创意,昂不昂,就是不一样...~~
      • 这算法做得,领导的大头像和女优的屁股,结果算下来是一样的。