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Physiology of Taste by Jean Athelme Brillat-Savarin

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛With his French Pride and minor prejudice, the author renewed my understanding of the importance of food and their impact on every aspect of human lives.

Quoting a very interesting prelude below.

I. The universe would be nothing were it not for life and all that lives must be fed.

II. Animals fill themselves; man eats. The man of mind alone knows how to eat.

III. The destiny of nations depends on the manner in which they are fed.

IV. Tell me what kind of food you eat, and I will tell you what kind of man you are.

V. The Creator, when he obliges man to eat, invites him to do so by appetite, and rewards him by pleasure.

VI. Gourmandise is an act of our judgment, in obedience to which, we grant a preference to things which are agreeable, over those which nave not that quality.

VII. The pleasure of the table belongs to all ages, to all conditions, to all countries, and to all aeras; it mingles with all other pleasures, and remains at last to console us for their departure.

VIII. The table is the only place where one does not suffer, from ennui during the first hour.

IX. The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity, than the discovery of a new star.

X. Those persons who suffer from indigestion, or who become drunk, are utterly ignorant of the true principles of eating and drinking.

XI. The order of food is from the most substantial to the lightest.

XII. The order of drinking is from the mildest to the most foamy and perfumed.

XIII. To say that we should not change our drinks is a heresy; the tongue becomes saturated, and after the third glass yields but an obtuse sensation.

XIV. A dessert without cheese is like a beautiful woman who has lost an eye.

XV. A cook may be taught, but a man who can roast, is born with the faculty.

XVI. The most indispensable quality of a good cook is promptness. It should also be that of the guests.

XVII. To wait too long for a dilatory guest, shows disrespect to those who are punctual.

XVIII. He who receives friends and pays no attention to the repast prepared for them, is not fit to have friends.

XIX. The mistress of the house should always be certain that the coffee be excellent; the master that his liquors be of the first quality.

XX. To invite a person to your house is to take charge of his happiness as long as he be beneath your roof.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 为什么此地多是乐韵少了书香?
    • 国人不读书? 你看地铁上读书的大多都是西人。
      • 可戴眼镜的都是国人。还是我们更厉害。
        • 这是为啥?亚洲人容易近视?
      • 菠菜整天在地铁上读书。
        • <资本论>。 地铁地上被我磨出俩脚印
          • 仰慕啊仰慕
    • 也是人浮燥的体现?
      • 国人读书是为了仕途, 西人读书是一习惯。“活到老学到老”在国人是一口号,在西人是一文化。
        • 读书如同吃饭,都属于人的基本(精神/物质)需求,不存在什么西人,国人之分。。。
    • Physiology of Taste by Jean Athelme Brillat-Savarin
    • 在这里长了不少音乐方面的见识,真是山外有山,希望看到爱书人的帖子,谢谢GOING CONCERN的爱书贴。
    • 对于读书人, 一是时间被书读了, 二是境界高了下不来了。。
      • 境界高了向下出溜很容易,境界低俗向上爬很难。怪不得夏老师常说:一大师的境界有上升的趋势(言外之意就是爬不上来)。。。
        • 说得好,怪不得我在这乐坛读帖都吃力,正试图往上爬啊。
    • 以前出门会带本书,没事时看看,后来改iPod, 没事时听听音乐,再后来改iPhone, 没事时上网灌水。。。看来该改成iPad了,这样就又回到看(电子)书了。:)
    • 周末去Costco买菜,顺便买了一本《The Art of War》,中文的原版有些地方费解,想看看洋人是如何用他们的思维方式来理解的。我准备今后象《手机》中的黑石头那样,36计不离手。。。LOL
      • 战争的艺术, 以大师, 加拿大军队, 美国总统, 放心,阿富汗, 军费, 纳税人, 选举, 音乐, 舒伯特,
        • I thought it was "sun zi bing fa", isn't it?
          • Yes, It's deemed not only military literature but philosophy masterpiece in western, I try to figure out something from western point of view via translation, this is a good way to become A Master。。。LOL
            • This book has been on the reading list at major US/Cdn business schools.
              • Wow! It sounds a comprehensive masterpiece, I will keep it as a handbook whenever, wherever, whatever。。。
                • It is a great book I agree, but try not to be too attached to too perfectly calculated MANOUVERS facing real life. I feel life is more about perception than about reaction.
            • I don't feel it is about philosophy, but more about strategy.
      • 在iStore下载了免费版的,写的有点晕~
        • 是,我也看着晕,各种稀奇古怪的古代英文单词太多了。。。
    • 前一阵买了一套三希堂法帖, 对王珣的伯远帖爱不释手,
      • 国内买的吗?我也在找好一点的版本。伯远帖我临过几遍, 感觉笔法缺少变化, 结体过于随意。 也许这是高古之象,我的欣赏水平有待提高。
        • 是的,我选的时候, 是选的简装本, 印刷上比较清晰, 欣赏起来可以有十足的美感, 我也看到过复制的很好的全集原版, 历史感强烈, 但是不便欣赏,
        • “高古之象” ,说的好, 伯远帖从远古走来, 却有更接近现代的感觉, 对王羲之有审美疲劳的感觉,
          • 于我心有戚戚焉,我学行书从兰亭开始,现在平常最不想看的却是那些兰亭摹本,也许真是审美疲劳吧。但对王羲之的其他刻本,还没有这种感觉。我现在很喜欢颜真卿,苏东坡的行书。
            • 握手先。。。我是观赏为主, 幼年也就从柳公权开始, 所以后来对赵佶的瘦金很有心有灵犀的感觉。
              • 握手握手。。千年书法真的是艺术宝库啊,一旦入其门,发现美不胜收啊。
    • 我喜欢读《读者》,感觉比《故事会》要高尚很多,是高级知识分子看的。
      • 知识分子其实看(读书),小资讯才看(读者))
      • 那低级知识分子看什么书?
        • 《大千世界》?。。。