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我都不知道我在做些什么.组织了一下网上大家的发言,写了封信给平权会.这样写好不好?在没有征求许可的情况下,显示了各位的ID,有没有问题? 这封信可改,可删,可变动.还没寄.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛亲爱的平权会有关干事:

我们是一些在加拿大生活时间长短不一的CHINESE-CANADIAN,是一群孩子在本地的小学,中学,大学就读的父母。十一月十日在MACLEANS 和TORONTO STAR上发表的两篇文章,引起了我们极大的关注。





Actually the McLean article is far more disturbing. Imagine they replace the word "Asian" with "Jew" or "Blacks", you'd have the Editor of this magazine's resignation by tomorrow. -drz(LogCabin); 11.11 19:47 (#6360645@0)

多给平权会鼓励, 希望他们知道They have our full support. 下次出击得更快更主动些. -cspon(米兔); 11.11 22:56 (#6361067@0)

要联系其他亚裔,比如印度裔,让他们也发出声音。 -tyra(Zara); 11.12 04:30 (#6361239@0

我们应该要求star和MACLEAN公开道歉, 如果不道歉在组织游行示威. 但是这个官方的道歉要求应该有谁提出呢? 就是说谁来出面代表所有华人或者亚裔? -jqe(Atwater); 11.12 08:37 (#6361276@0)

建议华人电视台、华人电台采访邱女士,给她说明澄清的好机会,以免大家对她的误解,采访会引起华人社区的关注和更理性的思考。 -visitor2.0(visitor2.0); 11.12 11:51 (#6361682@0)

如果她真的说了这话,那应该引咎辞职了。这种论调从一个华人的教育工作者嘴里说出来是不合适的。因为自己孩子的原因,就暗示其他孩子很大部分是不符合资格的,她的身份和论调给了某些人一个限制我们孩子上一流大学的机会。但现在最大的问题不是Yau,而是星报和Mclean。 -angxu04(小凡); 11.12 13:17 (#6361894@0

没错。最主要的,是让他们听到我们的声音。下次再想动脑筋写什么东西,心里就要掂量下,不要信口开河。这次虽说标题是亚裔,但内容全是直指华裔,甚至是大陆移民。目标很明确。 -coolmao(酷猫*Zensunni

Cultural balance其实就是种族主义。把人按照人种区别对待,不管它披上什么样的华丽外衣,不是种族主义是什么?只不过不说种族,说culture,好听一点而已,骗人的。 -leonardmars(小马识途); 12:31 (#6363343@0

我觉得平权会是我们现阶段唯一可以依靠的平台。当年,他们向政府施压,成功地获得了政府针对“人头税”方面的道歉,他们有力的专业人士。我们应该先统一一篇文章,发动众人签名,向他们寻求帮助,表达我们这个集体的声音 -jiayoujiaoer(戒骄戒躁); 15:07 (#6363476@0

strongly agreed! the Toronto Star is such a nasty newspaper which always publishs some nonsense stupid and racism articles and they should be sued and punished for their deeds. -3hohoho(hohoho);

by 9876543210 (斑马) at 2010.11.13 12:59 (#6363364@0)
当一个国家发生经济危机时, 主流们就会转移愤怒的人们的视线, 寻找一个替罪羊. 这次找到了我们, 至少有点苗头. 从历史上看, 二战期的德国对犹太人, 类似华人在印尼就是例子. 也许在21世纪今天的加拿大, 我们不会在肉体上受到损害, 但改变游戏规则, 限制我们孩子们的生存和发展空间. 会是方式之一. 可能接下来会有更多类似的挑刺, 围剿和形象破坏, 如果这个苗头不扼杀在摇篮里, 他们会设置更多的障碍去限制我们孩子们在这个社会的获得公平的发展.

在经济不景气的时候,打种族牌是争取用户和大众注意最无聊最低价的手段。MACLEAN 和THE STAR -walkalong(youstartedit); 10:34 (#6363212@0)

华人必须站出来这次,不然TOO ASIAN的事件会层出不穷 -lovelatte(lovelatte爱摩卡); 11:03 (#6363256@

华裔社区的反弹是有效的,他们不是忙着把文章内容标题都改了吗,没问题他改啥,华人很团结。好笑的是上面几个装理智冷静的,说华人一盘散沙的,你们又为我们这个族群干了些啥?? -rosadog(rosa); 18:54 (#6363687@0)

这种直指某种群体(种族,文化)的不友好的文章出现在这种地位报纸的头版头条,势必会引起其他文化背景人的猜测,不满甚至是怨恨。我们的孩子也有可能会因此受到不公正待遇及变本加厉的赤裸裸的歧视,他们敢试试too african , too latino。。。? -jiayoujiaoer(戒骄戒躁); 20:03 (#6363760@0)

作为家长, 我深切关注, Maclean不能这么不负责地放把火就走, 这篇文章的目的是险恶的, 后果是长期的严重的.
by judy_an (绿腰) at 2010.11.12 22:13 (#6362828@0)
1.首先是挑起校园种族争端, 把亚裔学生放在其他族裔的对立面, 暗示亚裔学生抢了其他其他族裔的大学机会. 我们的孩子以后在学校会不会被更多暴力歧视的可能?
2. 诱使胁迫各个大学设立招收潜规则, 为亚裔学生设立高入学门槛,以限制人数.我们的孩子能不能得到公平的受高等教育的机会?
3. 无视多元文化的基本宪法, 歧视并排斥亚裔家庭教育和文化背景. 我们的孩子以后怎么来认同自己的本族文化?

能不能在http://www.ccnc.ca组织一个网络签名抗议活动,及时统计人数,地区分布?可行的话我们在ROLIA征求IT朋友义务帮忙. 个人想法,有了民意基础,CCNC可以更合法地代表华人社区为大家争取我们共同的利益. -cspon(米兔); 11.12 22:31 (#6362854@0)

既然他们用了头版头条,那么他们就要用头版头条来道歉 -lovelatte(lovelatte爱摩卡); 07:57 (#6363095@0)

They've updated the title and subtitle. "Worries that efforts in the U.S. to limit enrollment of Asian students in top universities may migrate to Canada" definitely is NOT their intention. Instead, they'd suggest universities do so. -jiacan(加灿); 00:36 (#6363032@0)

新版經過改頭換面﹐將原本的「有些人不想到『亞洲人』大學攻讀」的標題﹐轉為「擔心美國頂級大學限制亞裔學生行動會降臨加國」﹔同時前天文章內受訪中學輔導員指亞裔學生「只會爭取98高分成績﹐其他甚麼都不懂」的言論﹐整段被抽走。 Page Link -jiacan(加灿); 00:50 (#6363041@0)

这种TOO ASIAN IN UNIVERSITIES的现象是的出现政府也是有责任的人,政府鼓励学校从国外大量招收留学生,好多挣钱,相对来说亚洲人生源较好,又“崇洋”,人财两得他们乐着呢,又反过来说亚洲人霸占大学,最后还不是牺牲我们这里孩子的利益 -jiayoujiaoer(戒骄戒躁); 20:14 (#6363778@0)

如果站在白人的角度, 一切都好理解, 他们是游戏规则的制定者, 但是可笑的是, 在现在相同的游戏规则下, 华人却表现得更出色, 照白人的逻辑, 又是该修改规则了的时候了 -coopers(Coopers); 20:24 (#6363800@0)

要有敏感性.小心以后华裔子女上大学受限制. -pinkcloudy(Rhythm of the rain); 01:13 (#6363048@0)

by ajyca (goodnews) at 2010.11.11 14:50 (#6360124@0)

亚裔学生社交能力较弱是事实。so that?术业有专攻嘛。何况社交能力强的人自然有他们的回报,这还不够么?真的看不上学校里亚裔多也可以,制订一个针对亚裔专长的标准,例如减低学业分数的比重,加强专长加分等等就好了。但是明目张胆地打种族牌是一种退步。
两篇文章都在鼓励加拿大大学学习美国对亚裔进行 balance 歧视 ,华人社区Chinese Canadian National Council 关注是好事,但还没中要害。 -frank8s(frank); 11.11 15:13 (#6360156@0)

culture balance? what is that? 国家角度?所有的内阁成员都是白人,我们是不是也要balance一下,规定内阁里面一定要有黑人,犹太人,华人,让国家领导先带个头balance一下给我们做个榜样,好吗??? -rosadog(rosa); 11.11 19:57 (#6360661@0)

这种情况当然有,还用调查吗?黑人有犯罪的,你敢说黑人就全都是罪犯?华人父母有push厉害的,犹太人有没有?东欧人有没有?就我所知,都有,但他们敢说University too Jewish吗?? 人家刀都嫁在你脖子上啦,你还证明什么?拜托,don't be too 天真。 -rosadog(rosa); 11.11 21:24 (#6360844@0)


by knl (青花瓷) at 2010.11.12 21:27 (#6362739@0)








by happyfaceeveryday (xiaoyixiao) at 2010.11.12 15:33 (#6362259@0)

Re: I need your explanation on "Too Asian?"‏
Thank you for writing to us with your concern. We would like to call your attention to certain aspects of the story.
The headline of our article, which was a question, not a declaration, is borrowed from the name of a 2006 panel hosted by the National Association for College Admission Counseling in the U.S.
In the U.S., as our article says, Ivy League universities have “limited Asian applicants and [kept] the number of white students artificially high.” There is evidence of a double standard being applied to Asian applicants, with one study finding that “they needed an extra 140 points on their SAT scores to be on equal footing with white applicants.”
We do not condone this; the article is clear on this point. We did, however, think it was important to investigate whether the same thing was going on at Canadian campuses.
Our article goes on to state: “Although university administrators here [in Canada] are loath to discuss the issue, students talk about it all the time.” We then quote students, Asian and non-Asian, from various parts of Canada, about these issues.
The point of the article is not in any way to challenge the meritocracy of university admissions. On the contrary, hard work should be and is rewarded on Canadian campuses. The article explicitly states: “It’s unfair to change the meritocratic entry system, so all universities can do—all they should do—is encourage groups to mingle … Newer, fresher ways are needed to help pry the ethnic ghettos open so everyone hangs out together.” That applies to “all-white” social groups as well.
We thank you again for writing. We hope this article will encourage intelligent, open discussion of these issues. Your letter has been forwarded to the authors of the article and the editors, who appreciate the feedback.

Take care,

收到了. 和你的一模一样。我的朋友也收到了. 可恶的 Mcleans ,没有一点道歉的苗头。 -lianbb(num); 11.12 15:49 (#6362305@0)

3.收到了一样的信。YAU 也回了,应该也是一样的
by jiayoujiaoer (戒骄戒躁) at 2010.11.12 15:55 (#6362317@0)

Please find attached our response letter to Toronto Star for your reference. You may also read yesterday’s Ming Pao (see links) about my position. I hope both will clarify my standpoint as well as that of Across U-hub which I have supported since its establishment in the early 2000s. Our mission is to support the youth and their parents in our East Asian community and to help our younger generations to achieve their real success with an open-minded and holistic approach. If you are interested in our work, you may visit our Across U-hub website.
BTW, I really feel hurt by your accusation. A couple of parents, who did send me an angry email or questioned me, have now apologized, and one of the parents even asked me to give other parents who wrote me her email address, and she is more than willing to clarify the issue with parents. Her name is Kalen Liang, and her email is kalenliang@gmail.com.
Ming Pao (2010-11-10)
指《麥克琳》文章種族定型 《星報》斷章取義 (2010-11-10)
多倫多公校教局研究部統籌邱綺雯﹕將截然不同題目混為一談 (2010-11-10)
Page Link: http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20101111/taa3.htm

都是从原文中拼凑出来的。如果真是象他们说的,那文章重点应该是放在如何鼓励其他group去上大学。可原文用了超过一半篇幅描述亚裔在学校中的表现。而且说他们除了学习,一无是处。本事就是不对的。 -coolmao(酷猫*Zensunni); 11.12 15:53 (#6362312@0

Macleans根本没有道歉的意识。满篇都是在替自己辩护兼嘲笑我们。 完全是欺负我们! 强烈要求Macleans郑重道歉!强烈要求文章作者被开除! -cuteboy(cuteboy); 11.12 22:48 (#6362896@0)

by cspon (米兔) at 2010.11.12 12:45 (#6361664@0)
Letter to 平权会 -Thank you for fighting back on the racist article!
Being a proud Chinese-Canadian like many of you, I feel the article in http://www.parentcentral.ca/parent/education/article/888368--asian-students-being-forced-into-university-maclean-s is more than disturbing and offensive. Thank you very much for all your efforts to fight back on a very timely basis. You have all support from our Chinese community. Every Canadian deserves an equal opportunity. No one should be blamed for their hard work. The Star and Maclean’s magazine owe all Asians in this country a big apology.

Very well done! Let's keep fighting for our rights.


5.FYI. My first letter to Macleans, will send them now...
by alaabracadabra (AlaAbracadabra) at 2010.11.12 12:36 (#6361792@0)
To whom it might concern,

With regard to the article titled, 'Too Asian?', that you've published recently in the recent issue of university rankings.

I'm writing to protest against your publishing of the article which incites racism against Asian students;

I'm writing to protest against your publishing of the article which also suggests the instigation of rule changes in the Canadian universities so as to make the admission process unfair for hard-working Asian students;

I'm writing to request for your formal apology for this wrong-doing;

I'm writing to request that you take corrective actions commensurate to the damages you've done by publishing this article;

I'm writing to request that you fire the authors of this article, Stephanie Findlay, and Nicholas Kohler;

I'm writing to request that you fire the editor-in-chief who is responsible for publishing this article;

Most of the arguments in this article are based on biased, anecdotal opinions and subjective judgments of the authors and anonymous persons, rather than based on validatable facts. I can only see in this article that hard-working Asian students are blamed for their hard-working and their success in the academic arena.

Here are some basic facts:

- Most, if not all, of the so-called 'Asian' students are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, thus they have the same right of education as do the other Canadian citizens and permanent residents;

- These students are competing with other students under the same rules;

- Some students, including these successful Asian students, fair better in schools and universities because they are smarter, or work harder, or being smarter and work harder at the same time;

If our society truly value equal opportunity for all citizens, then race, skin color and ethnicity should not matter. As long as the participants are competing on the same starting line and following the same fair rules, why is there a problem at all?

This MacLeans' featured article sure will make the magazine famous, or rather infamous, especially when it's year 2010 AD, in Canada.

After reading it, I can only conclude that the article is racially-biased and it serves the purpose of nothing else than inciting racism against hard-working Asian students in the schools and universities.

And just by looking at the subtitle of the article, 'Worries that efforts in the U.S. to limit enrollment of Asian students in top universities may migrate to Canada', it's very clear what the authors of this article really have in mind. Probably they should have made it even clearer by saying that they 'Hope that efforts in the U.S. to limit enrollment of Asian students in top universities may migrate to Canada'!

The two authors of this article are racially biased, they are lack of common senses and the basic qualities of being professional journalists who are responsible for our society. This is one reason, which is fairly enough, to fire these authors as staff working for Macleans. And the editor-in-chief who let this racist article slipped through the reviews and published should be fired too for his/her lack of judgments and tolerance to such a work of racism.

BTW, based on what I've witnessed, Macleans really downgraded itself to somewhere below the toilet, probably in the sewer, I don't think it'd worth a penny from my pocket. Glad I've never bought or subscribed to Macleans, and now I will do so in the future, and I am sure there are lots of people who are with me.

Shame on you, Macleans!

Yours truly,
XXXXXXXXX更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 我都不知道我在做些什么.组织了一下网上大家的发言,写了封信给平权会.这样写好不好?在没有征求许可的情况下,显示了各位的ID,有没有问题? 这封信可改,可删,可变动.还没寄.
    • Thanks for collecting these, I have send them to the CCNC leadership. Really Appreciated!!
      • Thank you very much for doing so. Want them to hear more,think more,and do more. Of course,we will support them more.
    • 谢谢!
      • No problem. 我很少做你所说的"有心人". 这次也不知能帮什么忙, 觉的大家的发言很精彩,就汇集一下. 有的ID的发言也很精采,但有个别字眼略为火爆,留着,静观事态,备用.不过精彩的发言越来越多了.
    • 支持你写这封信,我不在乎ID暴露,如果有需要,属真名都可以。
      • Thank you very muchk.
      • 对真名都可以,怕什么,谢谢hotmoon干实事!
        • 你的发言很精采,真的很棒.
      • COUNT ME IN
        • 哈哈. 我平时晃来晃去的. 现在被你们鼓励的, 不知道是该谦虚还是该激动了. 大家都非常棒.青花瓷,LogCabin,写信的几位,还有在这里精采发言的各位ID们.这是在ROLIA上少见的一次很深刻的对西方社会问题的触及和探讨,很有意义.
          • 大家在中文论坛讨论意义很大,但不是最大...该是做点实事的时候了,哪怕发一份传真去报社也是好的.
            • Yeah. 可是谁的英文写作水平高呀? 把这里的好多东东,编辑,翻译一下,就很好. 有没有翻译软件呀?
              • 哈哈,写不好还写不坏吗?他们能听明白,这种观点和言论引起不满就目的达到了.
              • 是啊,你就当仁不让一下吧,你的水平够高了
                • 我会试一下.给我点时间.弄完后,放上来,大家帮着修改.
                  • 是个做实事的人。支持你。 -afternoonrain(天晴); 11:20 (#6369870@0
    • 是个做实事的人。支持你。
      • Thank you.
      • +1