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What are the advantages & disadvantages of human cloning and gene transfer?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One benefit of cloning human tissue is that if we can grow vital organs, they can be used to replace ailing organs. For example, if heart disease destroys a patient's heart, an exact replica can simply be "grown" to replace it.
There are several advantages to the cloning of animals and to the cloning of human cells. Along with each of the advantages, however, there are disadvantages, risks, and warnings.

There are five important reasons why animal cloning might be useful: (1) to generate groups of genetically identical animals for research purposes; (2) to rapidly propagate desirable animal stocks; (3) to improve the efficiency of generating and propagating transgenic livestock; (4) to produce targeted genetic alterations in domestic animals; (5) to pursue basic knowledge about cell differentiation.

Cloning animals for research purposes is attractive to many scientists, because the experimental variation that often occurs with genetic differences is eliminated. This process is limited in its usefulness, however, because keeping a homozygous line is going to be difficult. Also, the overall process promises to be expensive for most animals.

Having a speedy method to breed favorable livestock has great commercial importance. Nuclear transfer may be the wave of the future to rapidly produce desirable stocks of animals. The ultimate consequences could be dangerous, however, because genetic diversity could be eliminated. Strict regulation of cloning would ensure that this would not happen, though.

The improved generation and propagation of transgenic livestock becomes of interest to the pharmaceutical and medical world. Genetically altering farm animals by the introduction and expression of genes from other species proves to be a useful technology for the future. For example, the milk of livestock animals can be modified to contain large amounts of pharmaceutically important proteins such as insulin or factor VIII for treatment of human disease by expressing human genes in the mammary gland. Also, transgenic animals could become useful for organ transplantation into humans.

Generating targeted gene alterations in domestic animals can be helpful in studying mutations of genes in a very controlled manner. Gene targeting approaches can also be used to ensure correct tissue-specific expression of foreign genes and to suppress the expression of genes in inappropriate tissues. It could also be used to directly alter normal genes, which could influence animal health and productivity.

Basic research on cell differentiation has come about with the arrival of Dolly. Developmental biologists will want to know which genes are reprogrammed, when they are expressed, and in what order. This may or may not shed some light on the specialization that occurs during the development of therapies to treat human disease.

The agricultural industry could reek the benefits of this new technology by having the ability to produce multiple identical copies of a cow that produces a lot of mile, a sheep that produces a lot of wool, and so on. They could create an elite stock of farm animals.

The most exciting prospect here is to modify a sheep CTFR gene to create a model of cystic fibrosis (CF) for gene therapy. In a classy move, Ian Wilmut sold the first wool shorn from Dolly to raise money for the care and treatment of kids with CF.

There are five potential uses for cloning humans or human cells: (1) a research tool to understand how genes in cells can be switched off and on; (2) growing new skin for burn victims; (3) culturing bone marrow that could be used to treat cancer patients; (4) manipulating genes to cure sickle cell anemia; (5) potential application in treating infertility.

A more controversial benefit is to provide children for lesbian couples. Normally they need an outsider to donate sperm; with cloning they would be able to avoid this.

There are several disadvantages associated with cloning, such as significant scientific uncertainty, medical risks, potential effects of aging, somatic mutation, and improper imprinting. A cloned child is not really a couple’s genetic child, but the child of only one of them. That imbalance may produce strains on the marriage the child might suffer identity confusion, and there is a risk of perpetuating the cause of sterility.

Human cloning can also be a solution for infertile couples, even allowing the couples to create a child with certain features. Because cloning allows for the manipulation of genes, embryos can be created free of inherited genetic disorders or predispositions.
The cloning of human tissue could also be used to treat cancers, and even for plastic surgery.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技领域杂谈 / 所谓杂交,是不同物种间基因的导入、融合、稳定、表达的过程。所谓转基因,是在分子(DNA)水平的,人为控制的“杂交”。即,选择性地将控制一定性状的基因从源物种中克隆出来,并转移到目的物种的DNA中,并得以表达。杂交水稻育种为代表的传统育种方式,是
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在染色体水平的杂交。而且这种杂交是非可控的。即杂交后性状的改变方向是随机的。育种者在众多杂交株中进行人为选择,得到目的性状。再经过数代观察,选择出稳定遗传的杂交品种。




    1 最开始提出生物安全性问题的是欧盟国家。其时,他们的农业受到美国农业的强有力竞争,但以WTO为标志的全球化时代,又使得传统上保护本国产业的关税手段不能随心所欲地被使用了。所以,找个技术壁垒,或叫非关税壁垒,生物安全性就是一个很有号召力的由头儿了。

    2 恐惧来自于不了解。其实,在自然界中,植物(甚至某些动物)的杂交现象时时在发生着,这是一种染色体(DNA链在一定高级结构下的集合体)水平的杂交。它其实也有危害,只是,这种危害淹没在了自然界自身存在的众多危险本底中了。转基因技术,本质是分子水平(DNA)的杂交,不知道,咋就有危险了?在一个转基因品种在正式被推出前,科学家不知做了多少安全性的验证,这些,被环境保护、生物安全的政治正确舆论,压得悄然无息。有人说,世界上最可怕的是鬼。为啥这么说呢,就是因为没人见过真的鬼。人们的恐惧,来自于鬼的未知属性。



    最后,深深感到各学科的科学家应该加强沟通和交流。从事经典育种的农学家和食品专家,可否学一点儿生物化学和分子生物学?搞转基因研究的学者,是否也扣扣食品工艺?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 很好,应该加《精华》. 我也不知道为什么对转基因如此恐惧。难道是名字取得不好?如果改名叫“优基因”,或者命运就不同了。
      • 同意上精华,但不完全赞成文中的观点,个人倾向于对Transgenic technology以下的论述 ;
          转基因作物因为是人工制造的品种,我们可以把这些品种看作为自然界原来不存在的外来种。一般说来,外来种对环境或生物多样性造成威胁或危险会有一段较长的时间。有时需10年的时间,或更长的时间。转基因作物商品化种植至今最长也就是5~6年的时间,一些潜在风险在这么短的时间内不一定能表现出来。可是有些风险在实验室水平上已经证实。如Mikkelsen等证实抗除草剂转基因油菜的抗除草剂基因可以通过基因流在一次杂交、一次回交的过程已转到其野生近缘种中(Mikkelsen et al., 1996)。
        • 我觉得精华没必要, 有误导的嫌疑.但可以设为导读, 热点等.我是外行, 但可以肯定学术界一定存在争论, 并不能被LZ简单解释为贸易保护主义.我同意您的帖子中的观点.有的人胆大, 有的人胆小.个人认为对转基因技术, 核技术等等还是小心谨慎点为好.
        • 技术没有绝对好的,都是相对的好坏。比如没有转基因抗虫害,就只有用农药了。农药对环境的危害是明确而巨大的。相比农药对野生植物的危害,转基因对野生植物的危害可以忽略不计。
          • 非常赞赏您的思维方式!可能,也许,差不多。。。那不是科学语言。还没有人能够证明含抗虫基因的作物带来的实际危害,但已经可以计算出因为应用了该种作物而少使用的杀虫剂的数量了。有兴趣的朋友可以很容易检索到。
            • 您说得是有道理. 但现实生活中, 例如, 您带一小块肉, 海关都会没收, 没人会这样说: "这块肉是有可能有虫卵, 但您并不能证明它会造成多大的危害, 所以您不能没收?"政府是简单的思维: 它有可能造成危害, 所以我要没收.
              • 政府不是这个逻辑。没收小块儿肉,是个法律界限问题。
                • 那请问: 政府是怎样的逻辑? 政府为什么会制定这样的法律?
                  • 我的意思是说,凡事如果立法了,法律就有其界限。再讨论更极端的事例,就没有意思了。比如说,一个汉堡不让带进来,半个行不行?四分之一个甚至百分之一个行不行。。。这样思维,本人就实在没有能拉回来的能力了。抱歉。
                    • 我搞不清楚你是没看懂我的问题, 还是故意回避我的问题. 我前面举"小块儿肉", 是举例, 不管你是带1两, 还是1斤, 1吨, 都会没收. "政府为什么会制定这样的法律?", 就是因为怕万一对环境, 相关的行业产生影响. 政府制定这样的法律并不需要很多科学数据, 只要有常识即可.
      • What Are Disadvantages Of Transgenic Organisms?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A genetically modified organism (GMO) or genetically engineered organism (GEO) are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. These techniques, generally known as recombinant DNA technology, use DNA molecules from different sources, which are combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes. Transgenic organisms, a subset of GMOs, are organisms which have inserted DNA that originated in a different species.

        Bacteria were the first organisms to be modified in the laboratory, due to their simple genetics. These organisms are now used for several purposes, and are particularly important in producing large amounts of pure human proteins for use in medicine. Genetically modified bacteria are used to produce the protein insulin to treat diabetes. Similar bacteria have been used to produce clotting factors to treat hemophilia, and human growth hormone to treat various forms of dwarfism.

        Transgenic animals are used as experimental models to perform phenotypic and for testing in biomedical research. Genetically modified animals are becoming more vital to the discovery and development of cures and treatments for many serious diseases. By altering the DNA or transferring DNA to an animal, we can develop certain proteins that may be used in medical treatment. Stable expressions of human proteins have been developed in many animals, including sheep, pigs, and rats.

        However there have been no such disadvantages of genetically modified organisms proved on a scientific point of view. But there are always ethical protests placed on them. Firstly it’s said that genetically modified results in formation of transgenic plants and animals. So there may be a chance of loss of genetic diversity upon wide use of this process on particular species, if care is not taken to preserve genetic material of the original organisms.

        Also artificial genetic modifications of a desired organism may result in simultaneous natural genetic or other modifications of an undesired organism. For example, on modifying a plant to be resistant to a particular disease-causing organism, the latter may acquire natural variations which may enable it to infect other plant species not previously infected. Furthermore some people complain that by modifying different agricultural plants to increase quantity, resistance etc. The natural taste of the food product somehow gets disrupted. However there is no scientific evidence to support these disadvantages.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • What are the advantages & disadvantages of human cloning and gene transfer?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One benefit of cloning human tissue is that if we can grow vital organs, they can be used to replace ailing organs. For example, if heart disease destroys a patient's heart, an exact replica can simply be "grown" to replace it.
        There are several advantages to the cloning of animals and to the cloning of human cells. Along with each of the advantages, however, there are disadvantages, risks, and warnings.

        There are five important reasons why animal cloning might be useful: (1) to generate groups of genetically identical animals for research purposes; (2) to rapidly propagate desirable animal stocks; (3) to improve the efficiency of generating and propagating transgenic livestock; (4) to produce targeted genetic alterations in domestic animals; (5) to pursue basic knowledge about cell differentiation.

        Cloning animals for research purposes is attractive to many scientists, because the experimental variation that often occurs with genetic differences is eliminated. This process is limited in its usefulness, however, because keeping a homozygous line is going to be difficult. Also, the overall process promises to be expensive for most animals.

        Having a speedy method to breed favorable livestock has great commercial importance. Nuclear transfer may be the wave of the future to rapidly produce desirable stocks of animals. The ultimate consequences could be dangerous, however, because genetic diversity could be eliminated. Strict regulation of cloning would ensure that this would not happen, though.

        The improved generation and propagation of transgenic livestock becomes of interest to the pharmaceutical and medical world. Genetically altering farm animals by the introduction and expression of genes from other species proves to be a useful technology for the future. For example, the milk of livestock animals can be modified to contain large amounts of pharmaceutically important proteins such as insulin or factor VIII for treatment of human disease by expressing human genes in the mammary gland. Also, transgenic animals could become useful for organ transplantation into humans.

        Generating targeted gene alterations in domestic animals can be helpful in studying mutations of genes in a very controlled manner. Gene targeting approaches can also be used to ensure correct tissue-specific expression of foreign genes and to suppress the expression of genes in inappropriate tissues. It could also be used to directly alter normal genes, which could influence animal health and productivity.

        Basic research on cell differentiation has come about with the arrival of Dolly. Developmental biologists will want to know which genes are reprogrammed, when they are expressed, and in what order. This may or may not shed some light on the specialization that occurs during the development of therapies to treat human disease.

        The agricultural industry could reek the benefits of this new technology by having the ability to produce multiple identical copies of a cow that produces a lot of mile, a sheep that produces a lot of wool, and so on. They could create an elite stock of farm animals.

        The most exciting prospect here is to modify a sheep CTFR gene to create a model of cystic fibrosis (CF) for gene therapy. In a classy move, Ian Wilmut sold the first wool shorn from Dolly to raise money for the care and treatment of kids with CF.

        There are five potential uses for cloning humans or human cells: (1) a research tool to understand how genes in cells can be switched off and on; (2) growing new skin for burn victims; (3) culturing bone marrow that could be used to treat cancer patients; (4) manipulating genes to cure sickle cell anemia; (5) potential application in treating infertility.

        A more controversial benefit is to provide children for lesbian couples. Normally they need an outsider to donate sperm; with cloning they would be able to avoid this.

        There are several disadvantages associated with cloning, such as significant scientific uncertainty, medical risks, potential effects of aging, somatic mutation, and improper imprinting. A cloned child is not really a couple’s genetic child, but the child of only one of them. That imbalance may produce strains on the marriage the child might suffer identity confusion, and there is a risk of perpetuating the cause of sterility.

        Human cloning can also be a solution for infertile couples, even allowing the couples to create a child with certain features. Because cloning allows for the manipulation of genes, embryos can be created free of inherited genetic disorders or predispositions.
        The cloning of human tissue could also be used to treat cancers, and even for plastic surgery.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 就像楼主所说,杂交是大规模不可控的转基因,实际上是转基因技术的初级阶段。拿武器作比方,就是原子弹,摧毁一大片。转基因就像是激光制导的导弹,只摧毁准确的一点。两者相比哪一个安全应该是很明显的。所以美国FDA根本没有专门针对转基因的安全标准。
          • 也必须指出,天然状态下的杂交过程是比较温和的,如果不是特别合适(如血缘关系特近,染色体融合程度特高等)杂交是不能实现的。但在转基因过程中,对基因的改造强度是自然界从未有过的。FDA不是转基因作物入市的管理机构,所以没涉及。归农业部管。
            • 我个人认为,转基因技术对物种的改造强度,是高于天然杂交的。理性的做法是制定详尽的转基因作物安全性鉴定系统,而不是笼统地加以怀疑。自然界的物质,无外乎就是那么几大类,目前还没听说过哪种物质是人类鉴定不出来,但吃了就有危害的物质。
            • FDA 是美国食物和药品管理局。所有有关食品安全的都要管。很多人反转基因的其实是怕自己的基因被转了。所有我觉得你将杂交植物来做对比有说服力。
    • 感谢老刘的解释. 其实作为门外汉, 比较谨慎的听取各方意见学习一下. 避免下一种非常肯定和否定的结论.就如气候问题一样. 科学界本身也有不同意见.似乎美加也有对自己转基因的一些措施, 还没有完全用于食品.中国也应该有自己的独立研究结构.
      • 中国有相应的机构,但机构是人组成的。。。
    • 比较令人难以理解的是:加拿大禁止转基因的大米、小麦、玉米、大豆直接作为粮食在市场上销售,但允许在加工的食品中加入转基因的东西(比如用转基因玉米生产的玉米粉之类的)作为辅料。
      • 还是初三的化学课内容:“粮食”是“混合物”,淀粉是“纯净物”。纯净物是有确切化学定义的。而粮食这个混合物中,存在尚未知晓物质的可能性就远远大于纯净物了。
        • 请教用转基因玉米生产的玉米油和用转基因大豆生产的豆浆属于哪类?
          • 别说请教,大家一起讨论:大豆油是一类碳链长短不一的脂肪酸,按类别说,可以说是纯净物的组合体;而豆浆中含蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物以及差不多所有类别的生物组分,所以,是典型的混合物。
    • 先申明我是外行.谢谢LZ的帖子.LZ一定是专业人士.我的理解: 转基因种子是有危险的, 是否安全完全基于"科学家不知做了多少安全性的验证". 根据这一点,我们的担心是有道理的,因为科学家也是人,是人难免总会有考虑不周的时候. 我有以下问题和LZ讨论并请教:
      (1) 以前, 我想当然, 杂交水稻肯定是不同水稻之间的授粉, 即夫系, 母系都是水稻, 如果是这样的水稻, 是不是不需要做任何实验就可以认为是安全的?

      (2) 现在感觉杂交育种, 夫系, 母系一方是本系植物, 另一方有可能是其它植物, 我的理解对吗? 如果这样, 这类种子的安全吗? 是否需要做实验?

      (3)袁教授并没有谈到转基因棉花, 是您为了科普有意介绍给大家的吗? 您所说的人体内的蛋白酶是否永远都保持一定的数量? 有没有可能有其它因素会影响此蛋白酶的数量? 例如毒奶粉成年人喝喝,不会出事, 因为成年人还会喝水, 但婴儿喝, 风险就明显增大很多.

      (4) 转基因种子的安全性完全基于您那句话:"科学家不知做了多少安全性的验证". 但一个东西与金钱靠上, 是否能做到真正的公正? 例如麦当劳最近才宣布"粉红泥"事件. 另外, 科学家是否所有极端情况都考虑到了? "智者千虑,必有一失"?

      (5) "有人说,世界上最可怕的是人。为啥这么说呢,就是因为见过成万上千的人, 知道人性的弱点和人性的丑陋。人们的恐惧,来自于对人类本身的了解."

      最后, 再次表示感谢. 从现在起, 我知道杂交种子也可能不安全.
      • “小鼠白细胞介素-3cDNA逆转录病毒载体的构建及其转化细胞对小鼠造血功能的影响“---我哥是研究这个的干活,他就是搞分子生物遗传学的,问他这个问题应该是问对人了,下次记的问他。
        • 前半个问题是分子生物学范畴,后半个问题是生理学问题。
          • 这个题目的内容,包括了病毒载体的构建、用这个构建的载体再去转到细胞里、然后要做细胞的培养以获得足够的量来做下步的生理试验,最后再做生理指标测定--好像是一个中级科研训练的内容。
            • 啊哈.高手出来拉.好象你也是这个领域的.这是GOOGLE我老哥,才知道他在搞什么东东,九十年代中期写的,只COPY了摘要的第一句话,害怕细节暴露太多,象你这种高手一下就可以找到我哥了,再来一个打假,我老哥不要了我的小命才怪....
              • 不好意思,我真不是什么高手。而且,也已经退出这个“江湖”了。只是还保持着对这个领域的关注。放心,我也不会搜索你哥。如果没猜错,那个应该是个学位论文的题目。
      • 谢谢您发问!我试着回答一下:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(1) 以前, 我想当然, 杂交水稻肯定是不同水稻之间的授粉, 即夫系, 母系都是水稻, 如果是这样的水稻, 是不是不需要做任何实验就可以认为是安全的?


        (2) 现在感觉杂交育种, 夫系, 母系一方是本系植物, 另一方有可能是其它植物, 我的理解对吗? 如果这样, 这类种子的安全吗? 是否需要做实验?


        (3)袁教授并没有谈到转基因棉花, 是您为了科普有意介绍给大家的吗? 您所说的人体内的蛋白酶是否永远都保持一定的数量? 有没有可能有其它因素会影响此蛋白酶的数量? 例如毒奶粉成年人喝喝,不会出事, 因为成年人还会喝水, 但婴儿喝, 风险就明显增大很多.



        (4) 转基因种子的安全性完全基于您那句话:"科学家不知做了多少安全性的验证". 但一个东西与金钱靠上, 是否能做到真正的公正? 例如麦当劳最近才宣布"粉红泥"事件. 另外, 科学家是否所有极端情况都考虑到了? "智者千虑,必有一失"?


        (5) "有人说,世界上最可怕的是人。为啥这么说呢,就是因为见过成万上千的人, 知道人性的弱点和人性的丑陋。人们的恐惧,来自于对人类本身的了解."


        最后, 再次表示感谢. 从现在起, 我知道杂交种子也可能不安全更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 根剧您的解释, 当高烧病人吃转基因食品时, 危险系数就增大很多. 是不是对转基因食品还要加上标签: 当身体温度大于多少时, 不能食用?
          • 以目前的认识,高烧病人吃普通油腻食物和转基因的油腻食物,危险性应该是不相上下的。
            • 不是转基因的油腻食物, 而是转基因的食物. 那说明转基因的食物还是有风险. 风险比普通油腻食物大, 还是小, 目前, 还没有这方面的数据.
              • 说得是啊,没有这方面的数据,您担心啥呢?还不如担心一下,从TNT买的活鱼,是从哪个湖养出来的。不同湖之间的水质,还真的有数据记录和比较呢。
        • "极端,这些词真的不是属于科学范畴了", 真的吗? 那就属于技术范畴吧, 例如设计汽车要考虑如果迎面撞了, 对车, 对人的影响. 软件测试也要考虑很多边界条件, 有时候也可以说是一种极端情况.
          • 极端这个概念用在科学与技术领域,是需要有统计学方法来做注释的。汽车相撞事件,是通过目前的交通意外发生的概率,计算出来,需要去面对的意外。如果那是一个概率小于全球每年发生一次,那肯定政府部门不会出台相关正面相撞的测试技术标准。
            • 同样啊,软件测试,比如,如果是每10万次出现一次的问题,就得考虑,如果无穷多次运行才出现一次的问题,可能就忽略了。
            • 我可能没说清楚. 我是想说科学家是否有考卷不周的时候? 这种例子太多了, 例如汽车RECALL, 药等等. 不要等过了10年, 然后宣布某种转基因食品会对人体造成伤害.
              • 科学家考虑不周,是100%会发生的。人类在科学领域的认知,是一点一点积累和进步的。
                • 那就行了, 说明我们的担心还是有道理的.
        • 我举三聚氰胺的例子, 是想说明转基因是否对某一群人风险较大, 对另外一群人较小. 通过您对酶的解释, 说明高烧病人风险就增大很多.
          • 您的这个说法是有道理的。比如,同一物种内,某一些基因类型的生物,对某些外界物质就敏感,而另一类基因类型的生物则不敏感。人喝牛奶是否会感到不适?洋人很少,而东方人体内缺乏乳糖脱氢酶,所以分解乳糖的能力不足,就造成腹泻。所以店里现在有卖脱乳糖牛奶的。
            • 那说明有些老百姓的担忧是有道理的. 人类吃传统水稻已几千年了, 转基因种子才约20年.
              • 您用电脑吗?算盘的历史不清楚多少年,肯定是若干十倍于电脑。而使用电脑的危害已经有众多报道了,您,是否打算用回到算盘?
                • 您的比方不存在可比行. 例如, 没有电脑, 很多工作没办法用算盘进行; 但没有转基因种子, 我猜用传统种子也行, 虽然有些方面有差别, 例如产量等.
        • 我一直觉得人类有时候过分相信自己, 大部分是对的, 但偶尔也会给自己惹麻烦, 例如, 疯牛病是怎样来的?
          • 疯牛病是把病牛的部分组织做成了肉骨粉来当饲料,造成了病毒的传播。当人们认识到了这种危险后,肉骨粉就禁用了。人们对世界的认识就是这样,逐步提高的。
            • 牛本来是吃草的, 人类让它吃动物, 结果吃出了疯牛病. 人类是不是想通过转基因改变自己的饮食来源?
              • 只有前苏联的科学家以及他们的拥趸,才想过创造什么人类新食物来源,如小球藻。现今理智的科学家的目标是优化人类食物来源。
      • 同意mmcbhd,而且科学家的大老板也是那些食品公司,研究的方向和结果经常被操纵。
        • 在技术和人两者, 我有时对人更不放心, 这样的例子太多了, 例如麦当劳最近才宣布"粉红泥"事件, 很多老百姓并不知道以前汉堡包的牛肉饼并不是100%纯牛肉, 还含有牛肠, 牛脑磨成的粉, 对身体还有害处.
    • 袁隆平并不是杂交水稻的创始者,他只是找到了雄性不育的野稻子,他的理论水平很一般,所以进不了科学院,只是工程院院士,最大的笑话就是认为虫子吃了能死,所以对人也不安全
      • 我本人对袁老是非常尊敬的。因为农学领域,好多成绩都是靠艰苦的劳动累计出来的。雄性不育株,咋就没被别人发现呢?再者,袁老对杂交水稻走向成熟与实际生产,做的贡献真的是无人能比。
    • 通过您的帖子, 是否能得出这样一个结论: 有些转基因植物肯定对环境有害? 到底有多少危害, 目前还没有这样的数据?
      • 是这样:有,没有,这些词,是绝对正确,但又绝对没意义。在科学研究领域,一定要有量级的概念,所有结论才有意义。用通俗语言说,就是显著不显著。
        • "又绝对没意义"? 转基因植物都能害死昆虫, 对环境没害?"在科学研究领域,一定要有量级的概念,所有结论才有意义", 您们研究转基因植物能减少使用的杀虫剂的数量, 而不研究害死多少昆虫, 说明也是双重标准啊.
          • 世界各地有很多科研机构在检测与农业生产有关的昆虫活动,如数量变化,迁徙情况等等。比如,中国农业科学院的植物保护研究所。看一下他们的网站,就知道他们在做什么工作。
    • 我不懂转基因,只说印象。




      • 您说的也是我想说的. 即使是害虫, 如果绝种了, 也不好, 例如生物界的食物链.
        • 如果一种昆虫只吃一种植物,那该物种是迟早要灭亡的。特别是如果只吃人工种植的某种植物,那就更一定要灭亡。但实际情况恰恰不是这样的。
          • 我发现您有时不能准确理解我的意思,也可能是我表达不清楚, 也可能是我不能理解您的意思, 但是我能理解"印刷店"的意思, 我是顺着"Rollor 印刷店"的帖子讲的, 我说的"即使是害虫, 如果绝种了, 也不好"只是举例, 也可能不绝种, 只是数量显著减少, 由此
            是否产生对生物界的食物链或环境的影响. 当然, 您这是也许会说做科学是要用定量数据说话的.
            • 严谨的实证逻辑和精确的量化是科学的基本特征.








              • 爱因斯坦的相对论是“模糊数学”?!天!E=mc2,这是基础数学公式,一点儿都不模糊。爱因斯坦用它来阐述了自然界中物质和能量转换的定律,属于物理范畴。
                • oops....写错了.SORRY.