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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Translation of documents
Any document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by:
the English or French translation;
a certified copy of the document; and
a translator's declaration.

Certified true copies
You must send certified copies of any legal name change document and of any document that is not in English or French.
To have a copy certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print the following on the photocopy:
“I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”
the name of the original document
the date of the certification
his or her name
his or her official position or title and
his or her signature

Who can certify copies?
Persons authorized to certify copies include the following:
Commissioner of oaths
Funeral director
Justice of the peace or judge
Manager of a financial institution
Medical doctor
Member of a provincial legislature
Member of parliament
Minister of religion
Municipal clerk
Official of an embassy, consulate or high commission officially accredited to Canada and authorize to certify document issued by the official’s government
Official of a federal or provincial government department
Police officer
Primary, secondary or university teacher
Professional accountant
Professional engineer
Social worker

中国护照中只有中国海关的印章是中文的,其他部分都有中/英文。俺两本护照,第一本超过5年了,所以就复印了所有页,没做翻译。第二本有去年和2009年的回国记录,各3周。俺就翻译了那两页中文印章。你就找有资格的人做一下就行了。不用花钱找翻译,律师。朋友中如果有专业会计师,工程师都可以。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 请问有人知道这个吗?申请更新枫叶卡时要求提供护照的:a certified copy of English or French translation, and a certified copy of the translator's declaration.是直接找有资格的翻译做就可以了,还是翻译以后再找律师或公证部门做cerify?
    • 俺的理解是只对没有英文或法文的证件要翻译
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Translation of documents
      Any document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by:
      the English or French translation;
      a certified copy of the document; and
      a translator's declaration.

      Certified true copies
      You must send certified copies of any legal name change document and of any document that is not in English or French.
      To have a copy certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print the following on the photocopy:
      “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”
      the name of the original document
      the date of the certification
      his or her name
      his or her official position or title and
      his or her signature

      Who can certify copies?
      Persons authorized to certify copies include the following:
      Commissioner of oaths
      Funeral director
      Justice of the peace or judge
      Manager of a financial institution
      Medical doctor
      Member of a provincial legislature
      Member of parliament
      Minister of religion
      Municipal clerk
      Official of an embassy, consulate or high commission officially accredited to Canada and authorize to certify document issued by the official’s government
      Official of a federal or provincial government department
      Police officer
      Primary, secondary or university teacher
      Professional accountant
      Professional engineer
      Social worker

      中国护照中只有中国海关的印章是中文的,其他部分都有中/英文。俺两本护照,第一本超过5年了,所以就复印了所有页,没做翻译。第二本有去年和2009年的回国记录,各3周。俺就翻译了那两页中文印章。你就找有资格的人做一下就行了。不用花钱找翻译,律师。朋友中如果有专业会计师,工程师都可以。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 楼上说的对, 中国护照是中英文对照的, 我刚办过已经收到. 印章页没给他们复印, 所以也就没翻译。
      • 非常感谢2位的答复!
    • 楼上2位,请教下,我也需要翻译中国海关印章,是否在复印页上,直接写上英文翻译,然后让个专业人士在翻译旁边签个名证实一下就行了?多谢回复。
      • 我是这么干的。自己翻译完找同事签了一下字。
    • 顺便问一下,现在renewal PR card, 要多长时间啊