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I am expecting something new this time, but still the same thing: "愤", one word to summarize. But do you realize you are making an unjustifiable assumption here?

Regardless of his/her political view, I believe many people posting messages here not because they have anger, but because most people here still maintain a sensitivity to what is right and what is wrong (an opinion). Sometimes they may cross the line to win an argument, but as far as I see, common courtesy is there. As long as they don’t drag people’s personal lives in here to start a “character assault”, we should trust people’s intelligence and maturity.

I do agree with you on one thing: try to look at things with objectivity. However, it is always easier to say than do. That is why different voice is always good for discussion.
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 也谈时政和心态
    • 兵哥的帖子一定要顶。。。必须的 必须的
    • 顶兵哥一下。俺认为好的心态具有4要素:耐心、毅力、决断和理性。
    • SF.
      • 还是晚了。。。。
        • 沙发掉了一只脚,够你就座?
          • ?.....打20块钱的赌,赌兵哥这心态原创篇可不可以上导读。。。。
            • 不赌,我以为会上。
              • 我赌, 那样的话太阳会从西边出来. 触及底线的东西是绝对不会通融的. Let's wait and see if the sun rises in the west.
                • 认输交钱吧
                  • (#8002232@0)
    • I am expecting something new this time, but still the same thing: "愤", one word to summarize. But do you realize you are making an unjustifiable assumption here?
      Regardless of his/her political view, I believe many people posting messages here not because they have anger, but because most people here still maintain a sensitivity to what is right and what is wrong (an opinion). Sometimes they may cross the line to win an argument, but as far as I see, common courtesy is there. As long as they don’t drag people’s personal lives in here to start a “character assault”, we should trust people’s intelligence and maturity.

      I do agree with you on one thing: try to look at things with objectivity. However, it is always easier to say than do. That is why different voice is always good for discussion.
      • 不是 assumption,而是 deduction。而且俺觉得你是一个很好的例子。如果你能客观的审视自己,你会同意俺的。你的大部分时政帖子都怒气冲冲的,俺以前就指出过。这种怒气,跟李芊墨的”最无情无义“一说,如出一辙。至于你们为什么愤,俺不得而知,或许你们各有各的原因。
        • 有些时政网友不谈时政还是比较理智的, 也有一定想法, 一旦涉及中国, 就不知所云. 比如得出这样的结论"所有中国人都是共产党的受害者,因此都应该与共产党有仇"等等. 这种思维比较可怕., 就像认为穆斯林都是恐怖主义, 纳粹德国的老百姓都是法西斯和犹太人的敌人一样荒唐.
          • You guys don't need to worry about my state of mind, the subject of which is quite tasteless now. It would take a split personality to condemn and praise the same thing at the same time. You are mistaking it for objectivity.
            I feel you are one who is quite upset. You had your chance to speak and there is no need to dwell on the subject of state of mind.

            Nothing is preventing you from posting your point of view. Intelligent and well-informed discussion is something you should focus your attention.
            • 哎, 不谢哥怎么也爱对号入坐。Just like yourself I am confident that I am intelligent and smart too :-) Thanks for your concern anyways.
              • I am not angry. I guess I have to clarify this before I say anything. :)
    • [精华], 要我是版主肯定会的.
    • 兵哥的帖子一定要顶。。。必须的 必须的
    • 知道了 你是写给觉得移民是个错误的同学的。。。那谁
    • 兵哥,想请教几个简单问题,首先,你究竟算不算时政网友呢?说到losing positions:你怎么知道别人是losing positions,不是Winning position呢?而且推出这是他人不客观的原因?
      • 关于“愤”,你谈的是为人处世的礼貌问题,那在你的内心深处,对侵害人民自由权利的独裁专制, 究竟有没有一点“愤"呢?你的种种推论,能不能不take for granted, 诸如类比,猜想,觉得。。。诛心之论,能否基于具体的事实,言论和逻辑呢?
        • "诛心之论,能否基于具体的事实,言论和逻辑呢?" 非常同意。 "所有中国人都是共产党的受害者,因此都应该与共产党有仇"... 元芳, 你怎样看?
          • 元芳怎么看俺不知道,这句话我基本同意,如果不要在表达上太绝对化的话,我宁愿这样表述:大陆中国人都是共产党专制独裁的直接或间接受害者,因此都应该反对共产党的独裁专制--当然事实上明显不是如此,既得利益者,被蒙蔽洗脑者,精神病人都不会反对。
            • OK. Can you tell me WHY? (#8001625@0)
              • 看来banruo是对牛弹琴啊。。。哈哈哈
                • People with high conflict personality often appear to have conflict views on different things or on themselves.
              • (FYI, ZT)) “。。。这些被解救女子却在民警调查过程试图袒护李浩,经过分析证实被解救女子已被李浩“洗脑”而丧失了人性。(在心理学上称这一行为特征为“斯德哥尔摩综合症“)“
    • 这篇不错,实事求是很重要,也是难得。
    • 教你翻墙,又没有叫你去学别的东西, 不要抱怨我. 大纪元翻墙技术是公认的.
    • 同意兵哥观点。由自己的切身体会,推己及人,有说服力。不过...........小心砖头!这次有兵哥在前面顶着,砖砸不到我头上。
    • 我把“愤”理解成一种正义感吧,当然处事圆融也是一种生活态度,没有问题。
      • 愤本身没有错,错的是愤的心态。看到poo掩鼻而逃,正常。到处找poo,不正常。没有poo而看到poo,很不正常。大龄未婚女青年今天说张三恶心,明天说李四愚蠢,很可能就是没有poo而看到poo。对她,愤是因,不是果。
    • [精华]
    • 同感+1
    • 行家出手,我是班门弄斧了。“好心态意味着实事求是,意味着能客观地看世界。” 非常正确。唯一异议是 passion。对工作,有一点没害处。但是多了就很难保持好的心态了。
      • 其实工作不同这个passion重不重要也不同,客户支持的passion过多搞不好能和客户打起来:)而新产品开发,面临时间不够,资金没保障,竞争激烈等等困难,没有passion可能真顶不住
    • 哇。。。恭喜+羡慕嫉妒恨
    • WOW!!!!!!! Thank me so much! after 4 hrs of betting... Of course thanks go to the webmasters as well. I see the sun rises in the west tomorrow. Wonderful.
      • 应该庆贺一下?
        • Why not? This is a good indication that Rolia is more tolerant than before.
          • Would that qualify as a good "state of mind" ?
            • You bet.
              • I don't know what makes a “good state of mind”, but it seems that being agreeable is one. Anger assumption or deduction, they are all his guessing and don't hold water. Enjoy rest of the day. :)
    • 用炒股心态做例子,非常非常恰当。很好。
      • 我以为进京的最低纲领是:态度诚恳,具有群体代表性。坛里就象演3国,哪国都有自己的代演,求实为本,创意为先。
    • “时政网友卖空了共产党。“ - It's a good point.
      • 也有抛空的,风险就大一些。对普通民众,买的也不多啊,网络时代现在百姓不买账啊。
        • wishful thinking是炒股大忌。谈论归谈论,实际操作就是另一回事了。谁也别当真。
      • 这个观念可能来自吕不韦,把政治当作投资。可惜像我这样的“民运”,根本没有把政治和收益关联起来的能力。只希望,在自己的有生之年看到中国进入现代社会。那已经是很大的运气了。
        • 这也是一种投资,只不过回报不是金钱和实物,而可能只是心理上的慰藉。
          • 呵呵,就像学习雷锋助人为乐 —— 助人,就是为了乐。呵呵。
    • 你的观点,本人不敢全部苟同。不过,实事求是地说,你算得上一个写手。至少不是病句错别字连篇。
    • 最近几天谈天说地的气氛不错啊,起码大家可以心平气和地交流了。
      • 那是因为
    • 本文拿炒股比喻是否看好共产党,进而引出结论:“时政网友处于losing position,卖空了共产党"。这很有商榷:1.我们不应买夕阳烟商的securities,即使短期盈利。2.拿炒股作比喻,既庸俗也不恰当:当年新生党作为进步党,靠的不是赢利而是社会信仰,现在作为封建专制党它是反动的党
      • 他就一写手而已,别太当回事。
        • How about you?
      • 个人对TG这支股票的期望值不同。小红认为它是绩优股,“时政ID"们和你认为它是夕阳股。但是。。。可但是。。。但可是。。。这都是“心态“问题。小红自己持有多少股?“时政ID"持有多少?这都是未知数。但有一支股票是大家都在持有,那就是目前由TG控股的ZG。而ZG的涨跌
