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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

For you reference: (For the first time, you will also need to buy tent, sleeping bag, etc. )

Reservation: Tea lake campground $9
Cancellation: Tea lake campground $6
Reservation: Interior campsite $9
Camping Permits: $160
Canoe rental: $33/d x 3 x 5 = $495
Life jacket: $1.75/d x 3 x 10 = $52.5
Total $812.76

Car rental: $282.22
Gas: $68
Total $350.22
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / We just come back from Algonquin Park. A very thrilling experience. Details will be posted in short future.
    • Algonquin 游记 —— Algonquin 之美是无法用言语形容的,只有自己亲身体验才能真正领略到其中的乐趣。这篇文章其实不能算作游记,只是把我们旅行的经历记载下来,为想去的朋友做个参考。
      • 太好了,继续,继续!另外蚊子倒是一大问题,,我最招蚊子咬了,,:<
        • 那里black fly最多, 象苍蝇, 但要小一些, 却和蚊子一样叮人. 可以带那种喷的防蚊水, 好象挺管用的. 其实, 被叮了也问题不大, 我只是当时很痒, 一会就好了(但有位女侠的脖子上到是有好大的包).
          • 也有女孩去吗?会不会很辛苦?一般的体力能承受吗?
            • We have 10 persons together, and 3 of them are female. The challenge is to paddle on the lake, especially when the wave is big. However, we only spent 3 or 4 hours on lake, and all other times we are
              fishing, burning fire, eating and sleeping.
              • 争取下次去。
            • 不哭, 蚊子不要我
              • Really? And who is crying ..............................
          • 我没事阿, 末了Larry带的区吻剂,脸上手上没被咬过, 因为穿凉鞋在水里上上下下脚上被咬了几口, 不太痒.
            • 带白花油可不可以?蚊子不咬脸的吧?否则咬成一大花脸回来就麻烦了。
        • Great! waiting for the part two, Can I put it in our web site?
          • 你不是跟我的帖吧?
          • Sure. This experience belongs to all of us who participated this adventure.
      • When will be next trip?
      • terrific. I regret a lot that i didn;t participate
      • 我也想去了。
      • David, I read your post twice, and again, I was in that wonderful trip. You are the man.
      • //applaud
      • 太好了!关于BLACK FLY,好像7月份就没有了.出发前怎么没有看看网站?有介绍的呀.
        • Of course we visit this site before we start. But we just under estimated this situation.
      • Algonquin 之旅 (二)
        • 写的太美了! 也太好了! David, 是不是写essay练出的写功? 我, 我, 我一定要去!!!!!! *_*
        • 太棒了,感谢分享你们的经历。既有体力劳动,又有脑力劳动,又吃又喝,要是再能加上树干舞或草裙舞,你们都够上拉出去游街了
        • 极其羡慕! 俺有计划攒钱, 歇上一年, 买个RV, 把北美地方都转转
        • Damned good! - Thanks for sharing your guys experience and tips in Algonquin.
      • 写得太好了,高高钓起我的胃口,要是现在人在多伦多就好了。
    • 我们要去,而且要带孩子去, 不止是否可行?
      • xixi,要去的话能不能叫上我?
      • 我也想去!
    • 附:照片集。http://canoe.i8.com/photo.html (Author: 花儿),http://home.nethon.com/algonquin/ (Author:Icetea)。其他大虾的照片正在整理中。
      • The first picture album (canoe) doesn't look like a personal web site, and none of the pics are shown correctly. Is it just me or everyone else?
        • It's a personal web site, but it's still underconstruction. You can find these photos at photo page, and photo page 2, 3, 4.
    • 这次旅行的费用如何?
      • For you reference: (For the first time, you will also need to buy tent, sleeping bag, etc. )
        Reservation: Tea lake campground $9
        Cancellation: Tea lake campground $6
        Reservation: Interior campsite $9
        Camping Permits: $160
        Canoe rental: $33/d x 3 x 5 = $495
        Life jacket: $1.75/d x 3 x 10 = $52.5
        Plus GST/PST
        Total $812.76

        Car rental: $282.22
        Gas: $68
        Total $350.22
        • 不要被误导啊,这是10个人的费用。加上租车,每个人花去140CND。开自己的车,不算汽油费的话也就是80多。固定资产类(帐篷、睡袋等不算)
          • 太好了,没钱但也喜欢探险,盼着下次再有这样的活动。
    • Here is a Canoe Trip Gear Checklist for your reference (It's at Mountain Equipment Co-op's web site)
      • my friend asked me :" why their fishes are all the same size?" I told her" those guys might all come from TIANJIN."
        • Not all of us. heihei
        • Not all, but at least one comes from Tianjin.
    • one key question -- how abt shit? any facilities? just dig a pit? any shower facilities? just want to know everything b4 I really go there... Thanks?
      • There is a very simple toilet near every camping site. You can take shower in lake.
      • Go back to see our pictures, and you will find the toilet.
        • is that the picture with little box in the center at page 2 or 3? holly shit... you need some techniques to use that thing, although I had all my imaginations...
          • It's very good & convinience. Guess what, we even found a roll of toilet paper under the cover.
    • Cool! I'm dying to go.