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You cannot rely on a single skill

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There are not as many opportunites for Unix System Adminstrators as for Java guys. However, companies do need qualified System Administrators. Once they hire you and they think you are good, you have a
stable position. Even when the company downsizes, it seldom lays off the System Administrator.

I am only a generic Unix user, so I cannot
tell you what interview questions people may throw at you. Sorry for disappointing you.
But one thing I can assure you: they may ask you some basic questions. For instance, how to begin a process at the back-end?
It is challenging for new Chinese immigrants to go through a job interview. Buzz words, Acronyms, Terminologies, ....

If you have experiences only on RS/6000,
your opportunites are few. You should claim
you have also experiences in Solaris , HP-UX. Trust me, for survival, you have to do so.
If you can get opportuinties to play on other
System than RS/6000 and get a feeling
how they are, it will help you a lot.

Don't read any Chinese Unix books.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请问Japper,UNIX System Admin 是不是不容易找到工作?一般UNIX System Admin 的Interview 会问到那些问题?多谢!
    我现在是做IBM RS/6000 的系统技术支持,不知RS/6000在加使用多不多?听说SUN Solaris 和HP 的HP-UX使用比较广,AIX 使用比较少,是不是这样的? 多谢指教!
    • Sorry, 名字打错, 应是" Jabber"
    • You cannot rely on a single skill
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There are not as many opportunites for Unix System Adminstrators as for Java guys. However, companies do need qualified System Administrators. Once they hire you and they think you are good, you have a
      stable position. Even when the company downsizes, it seldom lays off the System Administrator.

      I am only a generic Unix user, so I cannot
      tell you what interview questions people may throw at you. Sorry for disappointing you.
      But one thing I can assure you: they may ask you some basic questions. For instance, how to begin a process at the back-end?
      It is challenging for new Chinese immigrants to go through a job interview. Buzz words, Acronyms, Terminologies, ....

      If you have experiences only on RS/6000,
      your opportunites are few. You should claim
      you have also experiences in Solaris , HP-UX. Trust me, for survival, you have to do so.
      If you can get opportuinties to play on other
      System than RS/6000 and get a feeling
      how they are, it will help you a lot.

      Don't read any Chinese Unix books.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks a lot! That is a great help for me.