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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

sounds very uncomfortable so that's why I say it's wrong ~~~ I go totally by how I feeling


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / It seems like this is a duplicated post similar to something you posted not long time ago. Please do not post same topic on different categories of Rolia forum. Thanks.-足球比赛中,或任何竞技比赛中的“小动作”怎么说?
    • 看起来这是一个重复的帖子类似的东西你不贴很久以前。请不要发布对不同类别的枫下论坛,同一个主题。谢谢
      • 我先是把问题错帖在事业栏了。然后再在外语栏贴时,老是警告上面这句英语,索性copy&paste,然后再加上我的问题,才post上来的。所以,请回答中文问题。ignore那句英语。
    • FXXX word, I'm not a big fan of soccer, what you say seems to be "a fake", which does not violate the rule, on the contrary, if the player violates the rule, it's called "a foul", not sure if my understanding is correct.
    • I myself is a layman in sports but often hear phrases like " dirty play" or "play dirty" when my colleagues talking about hockey.
      • 酱油哥说,错误多多啊
        • Unfortunately the judge can only make remarks in Chinese.
          This is no better than falsifying resumes.
          • 刺哥不厚道啊~~~judge 教你英语,你不谢他,反而还满腹怨言
            • Don't even realize what you are doing? You better teach yourself how to become a respectful person rather than fooling around. We don't need fake resumes nor do we need you to make remarks on others' English writings in Chinese.
              Should you have pointed out in English that it is more grammatically correct to say " I often hear.... they talk about... or they are talking about", your opinion would be more viable.
              • 刺哥啊,respect 是网友给的,不是你自封的~~~酱油哥英语比你好,人品比你好,你千方百计地 harass 他~~~探长英语不好,你千方百计地把他捧上天~~~最后闹得酱油哥离家出走,探长被版主封杀~~~外语坛陷入大萧条,你是罪魁祸首,还好意思谈 respect
                • A simple sentence in English is worth a thousand words. If you are not even able to do that but dream being the judge then good luck to you. You get no credit from me.
                • you earned credits from me man.
                  • Without uploading an audio clip and showing me an unrehearsed spontaneous writing piece in English I will just consider his comments as fake resumes.
                    • the thorn is stabbing still...
                      • Good morning dear. How was your O' Canada day?
                        • O' Redneck, it was beautiful...
                          • O' dear, did you just invent a new national anthem?
                            I won't toss your comments into the garbage bin because you write in English.
                            • yeh, you know I like to. are you happy with your new name?
                              • Whatever makes you happy Dear.
                                • That's quite a flirty dialogue.
                                  • it's part of the show...
                                    • and the show must go on..."Mountain top, 就跟着一起来, 没有什么阻挡着未来, day and night, 就你和他的爱, 旁人一眼都能看出来,嗯嗯嗯~,嗯~。。。。"
                                      • Love it! Very positive energy!
                                  • Isn't it"寓学于乐"?
                                  • It doesn't seem they would ever fall in love, does it? I hope they would, one day.. I do....
                                    All of them...
                                    • points taken and .... :D
                                    • Never say never though. JYG now has got a brand new friend who happened to be his worst enemy then.
                                      • happened to, not born to? rephrase please ...
                                        • Absolutely. Rehearsal then posting is not my cup of tea Dear, never
      • Good morning!
        is does not sound right to me. I would say I myself am...
        • Oh
          Then how would that get our judge weigh in then?
          • in your words, never too old to learn.... haha
            • Definitely. Hearing it from you is A good news though.
              Glad to see it's alive yet again!
              • keep flooding it
                • Manitoba and Saskatchewan
          • I hate
            to admit. But I don't quite follow you on this one... sorry.
            • Understood and no worries.
              Didn't you notice that he has started posting in English? That's quite a big change to me. I can't wait for his audio clip though.
        • "layman in sports" sounds awkward too ~~~ and "when my co-workers talking" is definitely missing something
          • Excellent. This is an excellent sign of improvement. Looking forward to your audio clip.
          • "when my co-workers talking"
            I would take that as casual speech (or writing). I think people do talk like that sometimes. Maybe more frequent than we think. Just an opinion.
            • Nice catch, very good. you know what, I like to focus on what people want to express rather than playing a typo pecker or spelling checker. I don't mean you are, just generally speaking :)
              • I really hate you say that
                but I am totally with you on this one.
                • logic enhanced, thumbsss up
                  • Eh, eh, eh, how many
                    s do you have?
                • You go with him just to say I was picking on you for the 'is' vs 'am' matter, don't you?
                  Ok, ok, I know that is not what you meant.

                  I like the point too... I am actually more thrilled to see that you guys finally agreed on something...

                  I think I am done posting for a while...
                  • 言之有物
              • Even if you meant me... would I ever get mad at you for what you say/comment?
                Highly unlikely. :)

                Don't attack me though, bro. I never start a fight but always finish one.. maybe...

                Why I sound so weak when I want to be perceived as tough? God tell me... hopeless...
                • Love it. you are my sister...
                  but God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

                  in Him...
                  • " "
                    • when I type fast I pay less attention to spelling and even sometimes grammar. I don't mind being pointed out. Keep doing so...
                      • That's common and nothing wrong with it. What I meant here is that
                        when you quote someone it's to your best interest to let your audiences know.
                        • Gacha, no problem
            • sounds very uncomfortable so that's why I say it's wrong ~~~ I go totally by how I feeling
              • Just feel free to do whatever you like.
              • I would say
                I go with my gut /gut feeling...
              • me too..
                big time..

                So I understand you...in general
    • you can say underhanded play
      • Good
      • Thumb up! Positive energy.
        • Most definitely.
          An s is missing.
          • typo pecker
            • positive energy!
      • 所以,小动作可以说: dirty play, or underhanded play 。 谢谢诸位。虽然楼歪了点。另外,谁是酱油哥,谁是刺哥呀?
    • Good job, everybody puts something here. This is what I like to see. Keep going!
      • Watch your piggy bank
        don't exceed its capacity. ha ha ha
        • as much as rolia does it does
          • Does what dear?
            • come on man, what does piggy bank do?
              • Depends on purpose of having it though.
                • never mind as long as rolia can hold all the
                  craps we put in here
                  • one man's trash is another man's treasure.
                    • like the food chain in a pond?
                      • Sorry dear. I am not really familiar with ecosystem.
                    • I wish I never said that. We are here killing time, knowing people, and learning languages. All are positive things.
                      • Indeed! That's an excellent job site highly recommended by BG.
                        • hide your thorn
                          • "The sharp thorn often produces delicate roses."...
                            HA HA HA
    • nobody wants to join us? sigh... so 没劲
      • "Noobody" is taking the summer off :D
        • Of course. On my maiden voyage to Australia.
          Ha ha ha
          • Je te souhaite un excellent été! :D
            • Tack så mycket!
              Jag hoppas verkligen det.
              • au revoir. :D
                • bye för nu. : D
    • Gentleman, Thanks a trillion!
      • to me? why?
        • Check your PM pls.