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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2015年3月3日

联合国大会已宣布通过《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》的3月3日为世界野生动植物日。 在第二次纪念这个日子之际,联合国系统、其会员国及世界各地的广大合作伙伴强调这一简单而坚定的讯息:“严肃对待野生动植物犯罪的时候已经到来”。





3 March 2015
The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 3 March – the anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) – as World Wildlife Day. On this second observance of the Day, the UN system, its Member States and a wide range of partners from around the world are highlighting the simple yet firm message that “It’s time to get serious about wildlife crime”.
Illegal trade in wildlife has become a sophisticated transnational form of crime, comparable to other pernicious examples, such as trafficking of drugs, humans, counterfeit items and oil. It is driven by rising demand, and is often facilitated by corruption and weak governance. There is strong evidence of the increased involvement of organized crime networks and non-State armed groups.

Illegal wildlife trade undermines the rule of law and threatens national security; it degrades ecosystems and is a major obstacle to the efforts of rural communities and indigenous peoples striving to sustainably manage their natural resources. Combatting this crime is not only essential for conservation efforts and sustainable development, it will contribute to achieving peace and security in troubled regions where conflicts are fuelled by these illegal activities.

Getting serious about wildlife crime means enrolling the support of all sections of society involved in the production and consumption of wildlife products, which are widely used as medicines, food, building materials, furniture, cosmetics, clothing and accessories. Law enforcement efforts must be supported by the wider community. Businesses and the general public in all countries can play a major role by, for example, refusing to buy or auction illegal ivory and rhinoceros horn, and insisting that products from the world’s oceans and tropical forests have been legally obtained and sustainably sourced.

On this World Wildlife Day, I urge all consumers, suppliers and governments to treat crimes against wildlife as a threat to our sustainable future. It’s time to get serious about wildlife crime.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 潘基文秘书长2015年世界野生动植物日致辞(中英对照)
    • 3月3日被联合国命名为世界野生动植物日. 这是图标。

      • 有大象,鳄鱼,犀牛,金刚。那个扁嘴的鱼是啥名字?好像还有一只鹿两只鸟两棵树一朵花一个仙人掌
        • 濒危的野生鲨鱼?
        • 路氏双髻鲨,锤头鲨,
          • 你真有文化。我觉得旁边的那棵树最好看。好像是非洲植物
            • 电影狮子王里就有那树
    • 此贴虽非原创,本ID也无意充当柴姐儿,但恳请版主放在导读,希望更多人了解。
    • 谢谢分享。。。
      • 谢谢关注。
    • 肉可食用,皮可制革
      • 与时俱进,文明进步了。
    • 哎呀,才看到。不好意思。:)
    • 一声长叹!象牙犀牛角,汉语看上去这么熟悉家常,英语看起来如此异国情调。
      • 多伦多几年前立法禁售鱼翅,这个坛子上的舆论导向,谁还记得?
        • 你家小特又捅漏子了,你咋看?
          • 啥时候小特变俺家的啦?
      • 环保动保从来都不是人与自然和动物的矛盾,而是group的当前利益和全人类的长远利益的矛盾。只可惜多数人都抱着宁肯一起早日灭亡也不能好死别人的信念,这也就是地球人的宿命。
        • 人呐人,你说这犀牛角吧,还可能打治病救人的幌子,象牙,则纯粹是土豪劣绅们的暴富显摆。
      • 还有燕窝,人家燕子妈妈千辛万苦含辛茹苦,用唾液混杂着杂草羽毛,为生儿育女筑的巢,居然变成大补药,真是奇了怪了。
        • 有一年到访泰国,乘船游览,路过一个燕子洞,当地人导游明目张胆极端厌恶地说,有中国来的人,跑到泰国盗采燕窝。
          • 导游用的是什么语言?
            • 英语。
              • 依稀记得好像有一篇小学课文就是关于采燕窝的