我要不同意你的说法了. 其实这个词和中文的世故不是一回事. What he said is that Hong kong people have been exposed to western value, culture and education a lot; they travel a lot and have free media, so more sophisticated.
ye ye ye, If they use it to describe people, man or some occupation like doc or what ever, it is like that. but when boy especailly those from Hongkong use it on girl, thing is different.anyway, my friends may be different.
Perfect! You point out my opinions, I appreciate it. New immigrants should mix them up with the real (new) world, instead of keep their passed concepts, otherwise, they will always confuse other people even themselves.
-georget(Farmer Field);
hand & foot. 一直很喜欢饺子的文章,假如是在Vancouver的话,早就约她出来好好聊聊了。我能理解饺子的意思(可能也是学理的关系),对其逻辑比较能理解。而且我到加后,也一直深有同感。我国内的朋友都觉得我变了,都说我日子好像过得很爽。可能也是跟打labour工有关系,没有精神负担。可以整天乐呵呵的。
饺子饺子, I 服了 you. Where are you? in toronto?