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That is what I know

Younger men prefer a shaved pussy, especially North Americans. Elder experienced men prefer a beautiful thick bush. Many french women don't shave or at most only trim their pubic hair. Shaving is a North American culture. A hairy bush makes a woman look like a real woman but it needs to be carefully trimmed to look pretty and sexy. A bush makes a woman look mysterious and triggers a man's curiosity to explore.

If you hair is not thick enough, it won't look that sexy, then you might as well shave it. Once you shaved, you will not want to grow them back lol! So be careful!
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  • 问一下男人,你们都喜欢你们的伙伴把关键部位的毛剃光吗?参加一个集会,那儿的绝大多数女人都剃了毛,男人却没一个剃毛的。那,男人到底是喜欢女人光溜溜的还是有一些刺激呢?
    • 各有千秋, 反正我不挑,都喜欢。嘿嘿
    • shaved ... better than natural.
      • 女生好些,男同学如果那个的话,不小心别把小弟弟去掉了
    • Can't really give you an answer. Dated a Japanese GF years ago, she shaved, forget the feeling now, it's been too long. BUT ...
      Can you please share how to find those parties / gatherings? I really need one now. Thanks a million.
    • 谢谢PM和你们的意见。是一个朋友带我去的聚会,但是当时都有口头宣誓,不许向外人泄露聚会内容,所以我不可以在这儿谈,望见谅。而且聚会的人数男女比例都是受控制的,我不可能随便带人,望见谅。但我还很想听你们的想法。
      • 膜拜一下,这是不同级别的了; 比我们没事就上上网的强不是一个档次了。 自费求包养!
    • Raise your hand if you like a DIO (Do It Ourselves) party of the same kind. Let's make it happen.
      • People, hello???!
    • That is what I know
      Younger men prefer a shaved pussy, especially North Americans. Elder experienced men prefer a beautiful thick bush. Many french women don't shave or at most only trim their pubic hair. Shaving is a North American culture. A hairy bush makes a woman look like a real woman but it needs to be carefully trimmed to look pretty and sexy. A bush makes a woman look mysterious and triggers a man's curiosity to explore.

      If you hair is not thick enough, it won't look that sexy, then you might as well shave it. Once you shaved, you will not want to grow them back lol! So be careful!
      • Wow, talking about professional. Why did you learn this stuff?
    • 劝妹妹一句:男人喜欢什么,不用想太多。首先要自己喜欢,自己感到性感。男人的春光在眼前盛放,你且想拿来在脑子里享受一番!去讨好男人不如让男人来取悦你,给男人一点挑战,你才会更有魅力!兄弟们,你们说是吗?
      • 赞同!
      • 太唯心了。就像你让一个女人不打扮,自然美,男人嘴上说好,其实跑掉了。
        • 这位同学说得很实在。作为性伙伴,男方最容易先散伙。女方如果喜欢上了男方,一般不会先提出分手的。男方则不然,男人既然能背叛老婆,背叛个把情人那更不在话下
    • 我喜欢女人光溜溜的...
    • 光溜溜的没有味道,俺还是喜欢大胡子
    • 倒是喜欢一些修剪过的,就象头发,自然长的没修剪不好看。只要修剪的好,多点少的都好看。
      • 还有发形?怎么叫好怎么叫不好?