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Question 3: Hotels

Below are hotels I found in Paris: I am intersting in (3)-cheap or (1)-close to everything.

1) Antin Trinite Hotel Paris
Antin Trinite Hotel Paris
74 Rue De Provence 75009 Paris
$100 for single room or $153 per night a two beds room

2)Prince Albert Wagram Hotel Paris
Address: 28 Passage Cardinet Paris 75017
&100 for single room or $112/per night a two beds room

3) Marion & Philippe
4, rue de Chaligny
75012 Paris - France
EUR 62 for two people +7.5 Eur each for breakfast

4) Hôtel Mistral •
3 rue de Chaligny 75012 Paris • France
EUR 58 for two people + 6Eur each for breakfast

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 提醒一下,NAG的雷诺阿的风景画展快完了,想看还没去的JM们赶快去哈。那个SHOW很 不错的。他擅长人物但风景也很不错。印象派的一定要看真迹的
    • 给个LINK先...偶正策划着去巴黎看凡高,毕加索的画....顺便提一下...OTTAWA有没有人想一起去的...DIY游哦 :)
      • 我想去,可是这首首不亲的,还是给点信息吧,你都打听到什么了?
        • I will book flight ticket on Sep 29 Montreal-Paris, then fly back on Oct 8 London-Montreal. If anyone interesting and wants more detailed information, please PM. :)
        • Budget per person: Flights $700, Hotel $600, Transport $200.....$500-$1000 for tickets,food,opera,shopping... :)
          • 你是玩几个国家?HOTEL住什么规格的?都要提前订吗?700 的机票算便宜还是贵?都是你自己订还是通过旅行社?
            • This is the lowest flight tickets I can find so far...and everything will be DIY...need book hotel throught Internet.....plan trips by yourself...then you will really enjoy in it. :)
            • Hotel info: it will within $150 per night. two person....depends on are you a girl or boy. hehe
              • 谢了,你的BUDGET是几个国家?住店根性别有什么关系?
                • 住店OF COURSE根性别有关系..if we are same 性别 can share one room with half cost each..for example pay $80 each but can live in a nice hotel...
                  • 哎,估计没戏了,去也是跟我相好的去,还不是花我的钱 ;)
                  • 对了,看你的形成大概是住9天,总共才600?6,70一晚不算贵吧?是什么样的酒店?属于离观光的地方很远的还是很近的?
                    • Did I just hear that you can not go...hehe......if you are interesting....you can PM. Thanks!
                      • 今年估计是没戏了,计划敢不上变化,连BANFF和CUBA都计划了好久也没去成。我现在是打听打听大概的花费,好制定预算。谢谢你的信息 :)
                        顺便说句,我不INTERESTING,我很BORING :P
                        • hehe..understand...i usually have three to four trips per year...remember life is short, and just go whenever you wants.....don't think too much. :)
                          • Up to now the watermelon is still interesting.. except for being too picky sometimes hehe..
                            • 大脑袋的一般都是思考者
                        • Do you mean you are planning back China? Me too...but this is not matter with planing other trips. hehe
                          • 你是有钱有闲人,一个欧洲就花10天还有时间回中国,我一年就那么点假,得省着用啊
                            • It's not the matter of Money and time, it's the matter of yourself.
                              In the past of years...every year, i spent 1-2 months in China and 1 week on the beach. It's up to how you arrange your job, family, and life.style :)))
                              • 一年15天假,我也想没年都回国1-2个月,我还想周游列国呢,MYSELF没这时间啊,总不能QUIT吧,吃啥啊。
                                • 吃西瓜啊..不行,还可以啃西瓜皮嘛 ^_^
                                  • 又不厚道了,禁不住夸
                                • 为了你少啃西瓜皮,教你一招 :)
                                  每年你可以换一份工作,后者必须要比当前的工作工资高。。然后在 两者工作日程上至少可安排出1个月的holiday(可以用来回国),后者薪水-前者薪水=祢补这一个月的薪水
                                  如何 :) ,同时你还可以继续享用10-15天的带薪休假(可以周游全球)

                                  Note: 此方案只适用于非拜金主义,
              • BTW, this budget for hotel is at least 2-3 stars..very nice inside...you also can choose 18 euros per night in International Youth Hotel. :)
              • 哇, 你真有钱,住$150一晚的房间,我和老公都是住两人50,60欧的房间
                • i would like to live near Metro, idealy in Area 7,8,9,5.6.....if you have more cheaper hotel, it will be great. Thx :)
                  I currently found a single room around $100 near the Metro/ a two beds room around $150 in Area 9 face the Opera in case someone else can go with me....Of course the Young Hotel cost $20 per night but need to share with 4 people..
                  • 我们住的地方离bercy地铁站走路大概在10多分钟左右,是一个类似于家庭旅馆的2星级旅店。欧洲的旅馆设施比北美差远了,所谓的2星级,房间非常小,一张双人床,
                    • 地方小倒不怕。。偶不魁梧。。但要扛箱子就惨了。。 :(
            • only two counties this time due to limite time...both of them worthly stay for one month :)
          • 刚查了机票价格..现在只要$500ROUND WAY..... :)
        • Useful information: 穷游欧洲 website
          • 真小资哦.. 回来别忘了分享艳遇.,巴黎的帅哥很多情的说.
            • hohohoo... 期待ing~~
            • 意大利的帅哥比巴黎的好看多啦,哈哈
              • 中看而已。。但还是我们的中国男生体贴
                • 说的我这不好意思 *^___^*
                  • 体贴的男生抢手的很, 拿会是那些整天在这儿叫卖 :P
                    • 我不卖 > | 再说了,好货沉底,切
                • 这话中听. 知根知底的还是自己人..
      • 想知道什么信息的话问我吧,偶6月份刚和老公从那地儿回来,希望能给你帮助。
        • Question 1: Is there safety? I heard there were lots of robbers. :( Question 2: I want to see the opera..do you know can I book on-line or have to buy there. Thx
          • 巴黎相对罗马来说还是比较安全的,但是自己还得注意,比如重要的证件,钱物一点要放好,晚上少去人少的地方。 我们去巴黎没有去看opera,因为后面意大利和希腊的行程比较紧张,时间不允许,不好意思,回答不上了,呵呵 后面酒店的问题,我前面回的帖子提到过了
        • Question 3: Hotels
          Below are hotels I found in Paris: I am intersting in (3)-cheap or (1)-close to everything.

          1) Antin Trinite Hotel Paris
          Antin Trinite Hotel Paris
          74 Rue De Provence 75009 Paris
          $100 for single room or $153 per night a two beds room

          2)Prince Albert Wagram Hotel Paris
          Address: 28 Passage Cardinet Paris 75017
          &100 for single room or $112/per night a two beds room

          3) Marion & Philippe
          4, rue de Chaligny
          75012 Paris - France
          EUR 62 for two people +7.5 Eur each for breakfast

          4) Hôtel Mistral •
          3 rue de Chaligny 75012 Paris • France
          EUR 58 for two people + 6Eur each for breakfast
    • 厚厚, 这么好的贴要加精华啊.
    • 我才两天没上来,这贴就这么厚了。可见讨论多热烈啊。 光有流口水的机会。过几年拿了护照再想PARIS的事儿啦。。。 祝你们旅途愉快哈。