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I found a link to MP from other post, not sure if it is the one.

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  • This conservative government really hurt my feeling.
    Canadian goverment and some comments I saw from Toronto star hurt my feeling, maybe I missed it, but so far I haven't seen any offer or humanne relief from Cnd goverment, it is a shame. there is no way to support this party in the future.

    you can see the link below about if canada should help chinese, let me know how you feel.

    • 日本5亿,美国50万,加拿大0。
      • 50万,孩子的话也就是一个小house呀!
    • Not the government but the average Canadians have seriously broken my heart.
      • 我觉得这是双向的。就像上次有很多人就为苗大为的大开眼界而沾沾自喜,从留言看,加拿大很多人都有了这种印象-中国很富,中国政府更富,加拿大自己的稀饭都吹不冷,同情同情缅甸也就是了,中国完全能够解决自己的问题,不需要。
        • 态度!重要的是态度!无论任何国家受灾,都是值得同情的。7.8级地震不是小事儿。坐视不理是不对的!
          • 我也很反感,但是我能理解,有多少加拿大人了解中国的情况呢?城市和沿海奢华先进,奥运铺张浪费,而内地和大部分农村贫困落后。大部分人都跟苗大为似的,以为中国处处都像他见到的地方一样发达富裕。(#1473@49)
          • 绝对正确。保守党下次不会有我的票。
          • 我也不选它
        • I am not happy to see a lot of canadians have no heart for chinese suffering, but we are human beings, nobody is perfect, I was not good sometimes.
          but as government, they shouldn't , at least they don't know how to play games. they should not bring in personal favor to this level. you can dislike a country or a group of people, but to be a leader in a country, facing the disaster in this level, he should say something or do something at least.

          To donate is important, to send a msg to them is important too. US, France, Japan, S Korea, is offering, but no Canada, we have such a huge population living in this country, either Conservative doesn't care, or they are bunch of idiots.
          • 看看那些留言,你就知道民意如何了。无论如何,华人在加拿大的政治力量太薄弱了。
            • 没错!都什么时候了,不讨论怎么救援,却讨论China has a US$1.4 trillion cash reserve???人面兽心,假慈悲, 白人一贯就是会表演,什么是都是自己最正确
      • 我以前也是保守党铁票。 从藏独和地震事件可以看出“HARPER”本质就是不问原则 的反共。 以后坚决不投保守党
        我以前也是保守党铁票。 从藏独和地震事件可以看出“HARPER”本质就是不问原则
        的反共。 以后坚决不投保守党
    • 下一次不会选保守党。
    • 网上的一般言论倒无所谓,一般是比较nerdy或者爱磨嘴皮的人才上。我上BBS就被班 上的人挖苦够了的。但政府的确让我磨牙。只要HARPER的班子在,我不会再投他们。 让他们不得好死。完了
    • 同感.以前每次投票都是保守党.原因是他们给实惠(钱).但最近他们修改移民法案和这次救灾的表现实在是令人十分失望. 今天突然发现那点破钱其实并不是十分重要, 政治理念更重要. 保守党以后会很难得到像我等选民的支持.
      • 他们给你才几块钱就把你的选票买了
        • 大好几百呢
    • thank you for your support, at least I know i am not the only one that was hurt.
      We may not need your money but why an oral support is so hard to give for a goverment. either it is not muture or it is stupid. I just can't belive it could be so mean to this point. I live here more than 9 years has no right to vote since I want to keep my chinese passport, but I strongly suggested those who may vote for this party to think this moment, and I have a co-worker from Africa since 7o's they always support Liberty because they appreciated Pierre Trudeau, she said without him and Liberty, we will never have good life in Canada.

      I just hope you can all remember this , and don't change your mind for a little money and we should have our belief. my hometown is not in si chuan, but as a chinese, I am hurt by this government.
    • 中国和中国人们,通过这几个月来的国难,会很清楚的知道谁是朋友谁不是。
    • 这个政府的表现如此猥琐. 下次选举时请大家想想最近的这些事.
    • 同骂,没有一点同情心!美国也够抠门儿的.
      • 刚才看新闻,美国的那个发言人说:我们愿意提供人员和物资的援助,但是中国政府不要,他们只要CASH。我看了之后,既恨这个美国人,也恨中共政府。就像前两天,宁可要100万日元这么点儿现金,也不要压缩饼干。现在灾区最缺少的是现金吗?是专业救援人员、工具和物资!!!
        • 美国为什么不肯捐钱呢?新奥尔良受灾,中国捐了500万美元。就算礼尚往来美国此次也不该少于500万吧!
          • 估计就是外汇储备惹的祸了,除了中国政府,其他国家都认为中国不缺现金,当然日本这种外汇储备更多的国家例外。另外,为什么中国政府不要物资和专业救援人员和设备呢?就像很多行乞的人不要饭不要东西,只要钱,你会同情,立马掏腰包吗?
            • 外汇储备和受灾有直接联系么?受灾了就是受灾了。由此可见西人对中国人从来就是歧视加抵制,见不得中国强大,同时又瞧不起中国人
            • CANADA 现在是在用双重标准。美国富不富?可前2年美国的大灾难,CANADA 也赞助了,对中国就这个态度了? 这个harper 这一次可是彻底得罪中国人了,下次选举一定不要选他。 -meimeng(成真); 23:06 (#4452650@0)
        • 中国政府是不缺钱, 缺德, 缺心眼
          • 请你回时政坛去吧
    • I think torontoStar is the first to be blamed for this course.
      The stupid question iis really misleading. I don't understand why this country can't help both Burma and China.
    • 谁知道如何给国会议员MP写信?
      • good idea!!!!!!!!!!! we need to send emails to them, or maybe the chinese lady : chiu zhi hui?
        • 最好是直接跟自己选区的MP联系.都指着一个MP是不够的.
    • 哈政府让人寒心,下回决不选他!...日本这次还真让人刮目相看,一改往日的恶劣印象!美欧也都有表示,不在多少,有心就行!...中国还真不在乎这点钱,主要是心理上的支持与安慰....
    • I found a link to MP from other post, not sure if it is the one.
    • 对他们就不要有什么幻想了, 这就是一群没有同情心,自私,恶毒,幸灾乐祸的没有人性的动物。中国人也不是什么嗟来之食都要的,不是善意的关心,要来何用。 只要他们知道在什么时候该shut up 就是对中国人最大的尊敬了。
      • 我很担心,我们华人为赈灾捐给加拿大红十字会的钱,能不能真的到中国?!还有人寄希望于政府可以match?!sigh
        • 这个政府连最起码的人道主义都不讲,它还能做些什么?!
    • 找到了网址。输入你的邮政区号,就可找到议员电话及邮件地址
    • 我早就想说了. 真不是东西. 我根本就没有选保守党. 真后悔来加拿大了. 以前认为国外好, 来了才发现, 还是祖国好! 虽然有这样那样的问题,但是我看到在一天一天的变化,我真地为我的祖国感到骄傲! 我是中国人!
    • 我希望有能力的华人多出来参与政治. 虽然华人在加拿大很多,但是从政的很少,所以加拿大政府根本不在乎我们.
    • 你给的文章是加拿大人的各种不同的观点, 并不是保守党的观点.
      • I know, but have you heard any thing from Harper government so far?
    • Just sent my email to my MP, you can have a look and use my email
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hi, Mr. Holland:
      I just moved to Ajax last August, I am happy to find out you are Liberal Party MP. I have always been a supporter to Liberal Party. I know that I can count on you to make my voice heard.
      If so , you have my vote and my husband's.

      As we all heard about the earthquake that happened in China this week, I have to say that I am deeply disappointed by the Harper Government of Canada.

      My feeling is hurt by its silence, I am not proud of being Canadian any more after this. I am not saying we should send money or other relief material to China,since Canadian is facing our own economic slowdown, but oral humane support is the least we can do. No matter what our political position and belief is, we should have the heart feel for others's pain and lost.

      Canada has always been in the front of humane relief, we have always been proud of that. Haper government has been condemned human rights in China, and when hundreds and thousand's lives are critical right now, where is Mr. Harper? Do we still have a government running this country?

      I really hope you can raise my voice to the parliment, I am not the only one that are hurt, we have seen offers to help from United States, Australia, Janpan, France, South Korea...., where is Canada, the country we love and live in?

      Thank you for your time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 以前的两次选举,我从未投过保守党的票。因为我知道保守党对中国不友善,这在一定程度上也会影响到加拿大华人。虽然明知自由党有很多问题。但决不选保守党,这是原则问题。
      • 这是原则问题。 ---- totally agree.
      • 以前都懒得去投票,看来这种不负责的行为是很不好的。从海外游行活动的有效性看来, 咱还得多参与这些活动,只要咱华人投票都象上次ottawa游行一样积极一心,不管哪党当选,都得把你当根葱! 下次一定去投票,MD!
      • 我投的是自由党,可惜势单力薄啊。
    • 从头看到尾, 从名字判断, 除了大概5个左右华裔,一个魁北克和一个安省人以外, 其他所有人都反对把资助从缅甸调到中国。 中国有巨额外币储备,这就是中国给加拿大人现在的印象。
      从帖子上看, 对于加拿大人来说, 中国与缅甸相比, 缅甸更需要帮助, 好像也有两个comment反对, 说缅甸政府腐败。。。

      有种东西是超越民族的,比如人道, 有的时候真的不能把用民族大旗就能cover一切。

      看看比尔盖茨基金会和沃伦巴菲特的慈善事业, 我个人是受启发的。 至少我做不到遗嘱中把自己有限的财产分给飞亲非故, 但是他们能做到。
      • 美国没有巨额的外汇储备么?新奥尔良风灾,加拿大不是照样援助了