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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear all,

As you may already know, a 7.9-magnitude earthquake devastated southwestern China at local time 14:28 of May 12. The number of the dead climbed past 13,000 up to now and the toll is still sharply rising as nearly 19,000 people were buried under rubble in one city alone, while the worst-hit area was still cut off from rescuers.

Thousands of buildings have been damaged including schools, factories and hospitals. Those who survived from the 7.9 earthquake slept outside, lacking of food and water. Those who are still buried under the collapsed buildings are waiting for the rescue… They need your help!

Canadian Red Cross is now accepting online donation via the following URL:
Be sure to select "China Earthquake" for the Fund Designation.

You can also call 1-800-418-1111 to donate over the phone.

I sincerely appreciate any donation you are able to offer. Act now for people in need and you will make a difference! Please remember that any amount helps!

Best wishes,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 哪位同学帮写一个英文的地震稿件,发给同事鼓励捐款,大家觉得怎么样?
    • 好主意, 哪位英语好的同学先给起个头? 请自告奋勇!
      • 高手快帮忙,事不宜迟,我真希望现在能去扒砖头啊!
    • 好主意!我刚刚还在想呢,为了儿子的学校和校外的捐款活动,数不清跟着儿子走了多少遭。
    • How about this one?
    • Sample letter from wcx
      Dear all,

      A deadly earthquake measured grade 7.9 Richter scale suddenly happened in Sichuan Province, China 2:00 PM yesterday afternoon local time. Up to 12,000 people have been killed now and the number is still rising. The disaster damaged the road accesses to the hardest hit counties and the quake can be felt as far as in Thailand and Taiwan.

      We sincerely need your great help and please visit the Canadian Red Cross website for donations. Please select item #5 of China Earthquake when you make your online donation.


      or call 1-800-418-1111 to donate over the phone.

      Thank you all and we pray for those who suffered and my heart is with them.

      Best regards,

      XXXX, Title

      Phone, email...

      • 我想把它发到group email中,帮帮忙,怎么弄?谢谢。
        • You might have to send the picture as an attachment if you send by email
          • Thanks. The pictures is the key!!!
            • Good idea. Sending donation through Canada Redcross is also a way to build friendship bridge between the two countries. I will support
              • 前天捐了给加红十字,还不知道他们目前募了多少,何时送过去中国。有人有消息么?决定取消今晚和朋友们的聚餐了,建议朋友们把这顿饭费捐给四川,但不要通过加红十字了。
                • (May 15, 2008 - Ottawa) the International Federation of Red Cross appeal for approximately $20 million . The Canadian Red Cross$1 million contribution from public donations to the international appeal.
                  Red Cross launches appeal for China earthquake survivors

                  (May 15, 2008 - Ottawa) As the scale of the earthquake devastation in Sichuan province becomes clearer, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has today launched an emergency appeal for approximately $20 million to support 100,000 survivors in China for at least the next 12 months.

                  The Canadian Red Cross has made an initial $1 million contribution from public donations to the international appeal. The focus of the appeal is to support the efforts of the Chinese Red Cross in the region.
    • Sample letter from mashimaro
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Title: Online donation to raise funds for Earthquake Devastated China

      Dear friends,

      Please help those people who survived from the 7.9 earthquake, they need food and water;
      Please help those lives who are still buried under collapse buildings, they need your support;
      Please help the volunteers who are digging by their hands without break, they need you watch their backs.

      Please help China. It’s a serious fight to save lives from major geological disaster.

      Your help will mean lots for the citizen of the county…On their behalf, I convey my thanks.
      All of my family are in China right now. Lucky, they are alive.

      Canadian Red Cross is now accepted online donation to help China.
      It’s simple to donate online with a credit card: https://www.paypaq.com/redcross/new/index.php.

      For the Fund Designation, Please select “China Earthquake”.
      The website may be slower than normal because thousands of people, like you, are offering help.

      Thank you, everyone, for your understanding, for your care, for your help.


      (signature)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Great job wcx and mashimaro! Let's do it guys!!
    • Check this out!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear XXX:

      I am sure you have heard about the catastrophic earthquake in Sichuan Province yesterday. According to most recent media release, “the official death toll in the Chinese earthquake rose to nearly 12,000 today and 18,000 people are buried in quake-hit city of Mianyang.” Many lives are in danger right now.

      Most of my families and friends are in Chengdu, Sichuan. Bad news regarding dead and missing people arrive one after another. Heavy storms and rains that came after the disastrous earthquake made the rescue effort very difficult. The roof of my grandma’s house was blew away by the wind. Unfortunately, the villages those experienced the most damages are in remote areas where young people have immigrated to the cities to survive. Many seniors who are left alone in the villages do not have financial and handy help to rebuild the houses.

      Another serious problem is the quality of the school buildings. “Just east of the epicentre, 1,000 students and teachers were killed or missing at a collapsed high school in Beichuan county, a more than six-story building reduced to a pile of rubble about two yards high. The deaths were separate from another levelled school in Dujiangyan where 900 students are feared dead.” Many school building were poorly constructed with defective materials. It has been a long-time outstand situation but little effort was made in the past. Now the kids suffered with their lives and blood. Report said many school buildings crashed or had critical cracks after the earthquake. Better fix the building or rebuild the schools properly before the students can return to study.

      Not everyone can work as a doctor or nurse to save lives in China, but you can make your own contribution towards saving lives, rebuilding the houses for seniors in the village, and reconstructing the schools for millions of children in Sichuan, China.

      Your support and help are much appreciated and will be memorized by the people. Act now for people in need and you will make a difference.

      Many thanks and best wishes.

      XXX更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks!
        • Good article. I will share with my colleague.
    • 四川灾区捐款方法(online donate to China earthquake)
      今年中国挺倒霉的,我觉得大家应该为motherland多分担一些。我们可以通过加拿大红十字协会的网站,online给China Earthquake捐款。方法很简单,用信用卡就可以了。
      The online donate website (Canadian red cross) is:

      • 对,网址很好用。听说除了运作成本,给加拿大红十字的捐款直接受益比例超过80%。
        • Will donate 100$, this is my hometown.
          Will donate 100$, this is my hometown.
    • Just donated $100 and send emails to my co-workers to help.
    • 完成捐款+发email.有个同事马上回复---will do! sorry....下一步我会找个copy store 复印一些发出的email. 傍晚,计划拉着儿子,一家一家的发送,这次,是要他陪我,同时受教育。
      • ^_^
        • me too $200. I hope more and more people donate for our CHINA. I will keep sending email to my friends and colleagues
    • 个人感觉语言需要重新组织, 中国需要的是人道援助, 而不是可怜下的帮助.
      Please help those people who survived from the 7.9 earthquake, they need food and water;
      Please help those lives who are still buried under collapse buildings, they need your support;
      Please help the volunteers who are digging by their hands without break, they need you watch their backs.

      单看这些, 会让人觉得中国缺吃少穿, 在灾难下需要帮助, 但我们要强调需要的是人道援助, 所以强调灾难造成的损失, 让大家帮助中国,会更好些.
      • For example:
        Thousands of building were damaged including schools, factories and hospital.
        Those people who survived from the 7.9 earthquake slept outside, lacking of food and water.
        A lot of people are still buied under the collapsed buildings and the volunteers are digging without break.

        Please help China together to fight from major geological disaster.
        • 可以加减一些段落。我的同事都是女人和母亲,我侧重一下孩子们情况。
    • 也可以请公司的有关负责人员(经常幕款的或义工参与者)召集一下。我们单位还蛮支持的,说会把我的提议转发给各部门。中国政府的这次及时应对得到不少国际声援。
    • 支持一下!
    • just donated my salary for this week. Hope my donation is helpful for those who are suffering.
    • 支持..参考以上各位的sample..这是我给公司同事刚发的email..
      • 时间是14:28.我建议第二句话修改成:The number of dead climbed past 13,000 up to now and the toll is likely to soar further as nearly 19,000 people were buried under rubble in one city alone, while the worst-hit area was still cut off from rescuers.
        • 多谢提醒..已经修正了..希望有更多人可以提供建议和帮忙润色....
          • 我已经打印了200份,在我的居住周围发送。我的工作单位人数太少,自己一个人捐款有限。那位复印店的老板听了我的介绍。只收了1/3的价钱。真感动。人家不是中国人,也不会说冠冕堂皇的话,就是笑眯眯的说就给我xxxx吧。
            • 你们的行动都让人感动. 希望更多的还被埋在废墟里的人们能得到及时救援,更多的人能够生还..
      • 第三张图片尤其感人。
      • 重新改了一下..好象读起来更有说服力..
        • 还有..图片都是Routers的..不知需不需要标注一下版权..
      • 又读了几个报道,再改一次....: Re: Help those who are suffering from China Earthquake
    • 要是早看到就好了, 早上自己写的太差了 :(
      • 还可以再发呀。:)
        • 没有这么好的效果了。
    • 我根据以上朋友的稿子整理的募捐信。我们全家每个人打算用它来向身边的人宣传和募捐。欢迎提意见和帮助润色。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear all,

      As you may already know, a 7.9-magnitude earthquake devastated southwestern China at local time 14:28 of May 12. The number of the dead climbed past 13,000 up to now and the toll is still sharply rising as nearly 19,000 people were buried under rubble in one city alone, while the worst-hit area was still cut off from rescuers.

      Thousands of buildings have been damaged including schools, factories and hospitals. Those who survived from the 7.9 earthquake slept outside, lacking of food and water. Those who are still buried under the collapsed buildings are waiting for the rescue… They need your help!

      Canadian Red Cross is now accepting online donation via the following URL:
      Be sure to select "China Earthquake" for the Fund Designation.

      You can also call 1-800-418-1111 to donate over the phone.

      I sincerely appreciate any donation you are able to offer. Act now for people in need and you will make a difference! Please remember that any amount helps!

      Best wishes,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thank you. Have made a copy, will forward it to the Company's Social Committee and see if they could send it out to all employees, if not, I will send it out to as many as I could.
        • 谢谢。你可打印或把链接传可大家。见更新版
          • The Social Committee of the company where I work sent out the letter to all employees in the company. They have also decided that all funds raised this Friday for dress down will be donated to The Canadian Red Cross
            • Wonderful! Good to know.
              • Yes. Thank you.
    • 我觉得应该成立一个专门为灾区重建校舍的基金。孩子们死得太可惜了!
    • 对不起, 我没有给版权, 一急之下,就把以上的letter copy and paste 发给了我的同事们, 已经有同事愿意捐了.
    • 我自己做了张图片,不知道好不好?大家看一下,如果没啥问题,明天去公司就发了。内容就用上面大家改好的。
      • 挺不错的。你要是能加进捐款的链接,引导大家踊跃捐款就更好了。见 (#674@49)
    • 刚刚捐了$300. 给同事也发了邮件。我们可不可以到mall 里面去发募捐信?还有,给同事发email别忘了提醒可以退税。
    • 我制作了一个带图的post,感觉效果还可以。如果大家觉得有用,可以在同学、朋友、及同事间传播一下。鼓励大家多捐款。谢谢。
      • Newly revised one. You are welcome to use it and revise it.
        • 第一张照片有出处吗? 我想引用.
          • 你copy就好了。网上到处都是,我没注意出处。
    • 刚通过国内家人捐了三千元人民币,希望大家踊跃捐款,为受难同胞尽一份力, 为还埋在废墟里的受灾同胞祈福!上帝保佑你们!
      • 好样的
    • 综合了两位的募捐信略作修改,刚刚发给同事。欢迎转发。全文如下:
      Dear colleagues:

      A deadly earthquake measured 7.9 magnitude struck Sichuan Province, China on May 12 at 2:28 PM local time . Up to 12,000 people have been confirmed dead and the death toll is still rising.

      Please help those who survived the earthquake, they need food, water and shelter;
      Please help those who are still buried under, they need your help to have a chance to live;
      Please help those who lost their homes and families, they need your support to carry on with life..

      Your help means a lot!

      Canadian Red Cross is now accepting online donation to help China.
      It’s simple to donate online with a credit card: https://www.paypaq.com/redcross/new/index.php.

      For the Fund Designation, Please select “China Earthquake”.
      The website may be slower than normal because thousands of people, like you, are offering help.

      Thank you, everyone, for your understanding, for your care, for your help.

      • 这个好。开门见山,措词恰当。
      • Email sent; poster posted; donation done; heart broken...
    • 今天LD过生日,我们捐款200,email发了200,又打印了传单200派发给了邻里街坊,回来可以写篇作文了----有意义的一天^_^
      • 好样的!赞一个。是儿子和你一起去的吗?那样意义尤其不同。
        • You got it! 我儿子和我们一起去打印,然后派发到10点多,为了比妈妈发得多,跑得肚子都疼了,然后对我LD说:“妈妈,这不是比赛”他知道这是为了援救中国的哥哥姐姐叔叔阿姨们的行动,所以特别来劲。看着他的小背影,简直太让我喜欢了...^_^
          • Great. Same as my son. He did more than me last night. Both he and I fall asleep right after got on bed.He kept saying "MoM i am sad for China"! We still have some left and will keep doing that tonight.
      • 向你们全家致敬.我正在打印,马上去张贴.
    • 刚发了,半小时后,有人回音,捐了!
    • 我做了张图,比较适合打印出来分发,或贴到公司的张贴栏。英语不是太好,不知道如何写才好。大家自己往上面添吧。
      • 希望能用的上。
        • need your first picture and words,and why the picture is black now?
          • See #1562@49 please!
          • 多谢大家了, 刚才改了一下, 见新的多提意见
            • I have use your work. Very good.
      • 很好。如果加一行“Earthquake in China" 和呼吁support更好。别忘了给个捐款的link. xiexie
        • 我也是这样想。
      • 建议把第二张图片删掉,加上sunny.always的文字。急等!
        • 我稍微修改了一下文字,加了几句。大家看看好不好。建议在我们的邮件签名处加捐款URL
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As you may already know, a 7.9-magnitude earthquake devastated southwestern China at local time 14:28 of May 12. The number of the dead climbed rapidly and has past 14,000 now. More than 19,000 people were buried under rubble in one city alone, while the worst-hit area was still cut off from rescuers.

          Thousands of buildings have been destroyed including schools, factories and hospitals in Sichuan. Those who survived from the 7.9 earthquake is sleeping on remains, lacking of food, water and medicine. Those who are still buried under the collapsed buildings are waiting for rescue…

          Although this is far far away from our life under fresh warm Spring air, but I know deeply somewhere, someone need our helps right now.

          Please donate at:

          Canadian Red Cross is now accepting online donation via the following URL:
          Be sure to select "China Earthquake" for the Fund Designation.

          You can also call 1-800-418-1111 to donate over the phone.

          I sincerely appreciate any donation you are able to offer. Act now for people in need and you will make a difference -- remember:

          ANY AMOUNT COUNT !!

          Please accept my deeply thanks for your support !!

          Your sincerely更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 看看这个是不是你想要的。你点进去后download word文档,还可以自己修改。
          • Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • 多谢大家了, 刚才改了一下, 见新的多提意见
    • 在天灾面前,看到了人间的真情。感动ing。明天就把楼上写的发给组里的同事。将心比心,失去的假如是自己的亲人和孩子,将是多么的痛彻心扉。
    • 建议版主将此贴置顶
      • Thanks a lot. That's a very good idea. I am in Edmonton. I will do it right away.
    • 谢谢楼主的好建议,参考了各位的 SAMPLES 后发了EMAIL, 不但自己捐了款而且已带动了几位同事捐了款。这的确是行之有效的好建议,也建议置顶。
    • 我把我这两天根据大家的建议整理的post在这里汇总一下。欢迎大家采用。
      • 按照thunderman(江西老俵)的需求制作的。点击链接后download 一个pdf文档,可直接打印。
        • Please open a new message and link both word and pdf forms, PLEASE!!!! below is my edition, I changed some words and last sentence, we are in Canada, use their language.
          As you may already know, a 7.9-magnitude earthquake had devastated southwest China on May 12. The death toll has reached beyond 15,000 and the toll is still sharply rising as nearly 19,000 people were buried under the wreckage in one city alone, while the worst-hit area was still cut off from rescuers.

          Thousands of buildings had been damaged including schools, factories and hospitals. Those who survived from the 7.9 earthquake are sleeping outside, soaking in rainstorm, lacking of food and water. Those who are still trapped under the wreckage are waiting for the rescue… They need your help!

          Canadian Red Cross is now accepting online donation via the following URL:
          Be sure to select "China Earthquake" for the Fund Designation.
          You can also call 1-800-418-1111 to donate over the phone.

          God bless China!
        • couldnot access the site from company, is it possible to upload the PDF file here so we can download?
          • I don't know how to do it. If you know, pls tell me, and I will do. If you don't mind, I can also send you email with pdf attached to you.
            • 直接把的你东西COPY下来, 自己编辑了WORD 文件, 谢谢,
      • 按照thunderman(江西老俵)的需求制作的。点击链接后download 一个word文档,可根据自己想法进一步修改。
      • 最早的版本。是word文档,下载后还可修改
        • 采用了你的版本,很管用!谢谢!
          试探着给全公司发了邮件, 加了几句自己的感受,把你的全文包括图片附在了后面,老板立马拍板
          100%匹配员工的捐款,另外再追加2千捐款。 大家都试一试, 有人捐更好,没人捐,至少让他们知道我们关注着自己的祖国呢!林子大了,什么鸟都有, 好的毕竟是多数!
          • Thanks for letting me know. I agree with you on that we should do whatever we can do to help. Cheers, sunny!
      • 多谢了, 帮我看看新改过的如何
        • 很棒!该有的信息都有了,谢谢。
          • 你的Word版也很棒,这样大家就可以自己修改内容了:)
      • Good job man!
        • 谢谢。希望大家都来帮助扩大募捐的力度。你的建议很好。
    • 作了一个比较适合打印出来贴在公司张贴栏,吃饭的地方或你的位置上的宣传单。也可以打印出来散发。如果想修改,上面sunny的Word版本,可以自己修改。
      • Can you help to update the numbers in the postcard? It should be 19,500 dead and 40,000 buried now. I cannot download the word or pdf file. Thanks a lot.
        • 按照Sina上的数字更新了。
          • 飞天,你做的图片文字很简洁,我想把它发到公司EMAIL和POST出来,请问你能把这个WORD版本发到我邮箱么?我把邮箱PM给你了,多谢!!
          • 我也想要word文档。可以修改才方便使用者update。很喜欢你做的。赞一个。
            • 楼上不是有你做的Word版本吗?
            • 能告诉大家如何在Word中导入图片,如何加文字吗?多谢。
              • 是把图选作背景插入的。在设置 order 的时候把它放下面即可
          • 谢谢楼上两位,我做一张没有文字图给你们。我是用Photoshop弄的,没有Word版本。你们可以把图片Insert到Word中,然后就可以加入你们想要的文字了。
            • sunny.always做的Word版本,只要换掉图片,改文字就可以了。
      • 打出来后一看,发现左边女孩伸出来的手太大,怕不真实,要是能再修一修更好,谢谢,等着用!!
        • 有什么建议,我不是专业人士,不过会尽力的。
          • 我觉得保留右边的,左边的只要有这只援助的大手即可,你认为呢?谢谢,辛苦了!
            • 改好了
        • 原图就是这样的,是借用楼上一个帖子中的图。
          • 看来是我的问题,不好意思,乱折腾。多谢你的制作!
    • a sample from Microsoft
      Please Make a Donation for China Earthquake Victims

      | On May 12, 2008, a 7.9 Magnitude earthquake struck
      | the Sichuan province of China, causing more than 14,000
      | people died, and more than 90,000 people are still
      | trapped beneath the collapsed buildings

      They Need Your Help!

      Donate to ....

      some photos here.
      • 这个好。简明扼要。
    • 给公司同事的邮件发了,Post贴了,钱也捐了,无法再看网上的那些照片,每次看都忍不住落泪,明晚去密市市政厅广场见吧。
      • 我刚刚去了文学成 把所有的相关帖子看了遍,让自己痛快地哭一场!
      • 我们公司有同事组织捐款,捐了三百,公司老板决定公司将match所有员工捐款。明晚密市有什么活动吗?想让孩子跟着一块去,多感受感受华人社区的氛围。
        • 我也不确定,多伦多不是有烛光纪念活动吗?我想密市也会同时有很多人响应吧。
          • 密市没有人牵头吗?
          • 真的有活动吗?知道的请POST上具体时间和地点好吗?
    • The template and post really help, in 10 minutes we sent out email and set up a donation box in our company because someone just like to drop some money instead of going to online and entry credit card info. good work guys, thanks
      The email template and the post really help, in 10 minutes we sent out email and set up a donation box in our company because someone just like to drop some money instead of going to online and entry credit card info. Good work guys, thanks.
    • 募捐效果不错...我的大老板都回信说捐了..LG的公司也很多人回信说捐了, 连CFO都回信说会以公司名誉再捐!
      • This is the best news to hear! Do whatever we can do to help and support our tongbo.
      • Which template did you use?
        • I emailed to my boss and my coworker. This afternoon, my boss asked me to sent a cheque$1000.00 to Canadian Red Cross. It works very well. My church will collet the donation the week after. I think I would Collect around $5000.00.
          • This is such an excellent idea. Brothers and sisters, Let's work together to help the people who in need. Let's do something that we will be pround when we are old....
        • danjiu, can you tell me what template did you use? There are too many copies here. Thanks.
    • LG的公司组织募捐了,他们公司人多,估计能捐一百万。
    • HR 已经批准我在公司范围群发 Rolia 上下载的 Fund raising poster. 稍后向大家汇报募捐的情况。
    • I wrote an email to the president of our hospital yesterday, calling for his help to encourage employees to donate. no response yet...
    • Updated Sample letter here
      Dear all,

      Perhaps you already know that a deadly 7.9-magnitude earthquake suddenly stroke Sichuan Province, China, 2:00 pm on May 12th, local time. 19,509 people have been killed now and the number is still rising, estimated to be 50,000. It has affected ten million people and destroyed four million homes in China. The disaster damaged the road accesses to the hardest hit counties and the quake can be felt as far as in Thailand. Medical supplies, tents, clothing, and more importantly, food and water, are desperately needed.

      We sincerely need your great help and please visit the Canadian Red Cross website for donations. Please select item #5 of China Earthquake when you make your online donation.


      or call 1-800-418-1111 to donate over the phone.

      Thank you all and we pray for those who suffered and my heart is with them. Let’s make a difference together.