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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 女王问题如石头扔进茅坑。心态元首认为我心态问题,民运反G人士认为我拥护GCD,对我的50步百步说视而不见。我们来看看加拿大人的意见
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2002A 2002 poll by EKOS Research Associates found that the majority 52% of Canadians think that "the monarchy is an outdated and regressive institution that has no real relevance to most of Canadians today." 33% disagreed.[49]

    The plurality 48% of Canadians think that "instead of a British monarch we should have a Canadian citizen as our head of state." 35% disagreed.

    Opinion whether it was the right time to abolish the monarchy was more evenly divided, with 43% disagreeing and 41% agreeing.[49]

    The majority 69% of Canadians think the Prime Minister is the head of the state, 9% think the Governor General is, and only 5% think the Queen is.[49]

    The poll did find, however, that 55% of Canadians think "the monarchy is one of those important things that provides Canadians with unique identity separate from the U.S," while 31% disagreed.[49]

    According to a 2002 poll by Ipsos-Reid, 79% of Canadians supported "the constitutional monarchy as Canada's form of government where we elect governments whose leader becomes Prime Minister,"[51] and a further 62% believed the monarchy helped to define Canada's identity.[51]

    At the same time, however, 48% of Canadians said that "the constitutional monarchy is outmoded and would prefer a republican system of government with an elected head of state, like in the United States,"[52] and 65% believed that the royals were simply celebrities who should not have any formal role in Canada.[51]

    The same poll found that 58% of the population felt that "the issue of the monarchy and the form of Canada's government isn't important to them and if the system is working OK why go through all the fuss to change it?"[53]

    A 2002 poll by Léger Marketing found that half, 50%, of Canadians believed that the connection with the monarchy should be preserved, while 43% disagreed.[54]

    The majority 56% of Canadians thought the head of Queen Elizabeth II on the Canadian dollar should be replaced by people who have influenced Canadian history, whle 39% disagreed.[54]

    A survey taken by COMPAS, as commissioned by the National Post/Global Television media outlet, showed that 63% of Canadians "believe the monarchy should retain or strengthen its role in Canada," while 12% felt moderately that the monarchy should be abolished, and 18% felt strongly about the same. 69% agreed with the statement: "the government accepts the Monarchy but doesn't give it much thought."[citation needed]

    [edit] 2005 - 2008A 2005 poll by The Strategic Counsel reported Canadians to be uncertain "about the legitimacy and role of the British monarchy remaining as Canada's head of state". The poll found an equal number, 47% supporting and 47% opposed to retention of the British monarchy.[51]

    Also in 2005, a Pollara poll for Rogers Media and Maclean's found that 46% of Canadians supported replacing the British Monarch as Canadian Head of State, while 37% disagreed.[55]

    An Angus Reid Strategies poll conducted in September 2007 reported that the majority of Canadians, 53%, thought that "Canada should end its formal ties to the British monarchy", while 35% thought the contrary, and 12% were unsure.[56]

    A poll conducted by Angus Reid in March 2008 also reported that the majority of Canadians believe "it is time to end the country's official relationship with either the British monarchy or the monarchy". The majority 55% of Canadians favour ending formal ties - the plurality 34% of Canadians "strongly" so, and the second largest group of respondents, 21%, "moderately" so - while 34% disagreed.[57]

    [edit] 2009An August 2009 poll commissioned by "Canadian Friends of the Royal Family" found that the majority of Canadians, more than 60%, felt that a constitutional monarchy was outdated.[58]

    An October 2009 poll by Léger Marketing found that 45% of Canadians consider the monarchy to be useless to Canada and feel that the country should sever all formal ties with the Queen, while 44% considered the monarchy to be a tradition that should be maintained. Opposition to the institution was strongest in Quebec where 78% believe the monarchy is useless to Canada and should be ended, and only 11% wanted to maintain it.[59]

    In an October 2009 poll by Angus Reid, only a minority 27% of Canadians preferred Canada to remain a monarchy. The plurality 35% of Canadians prefer Canada to have an elected head of state. When asked who they would prefer as a monarch after Queen Elizabeth II, the plurality 37% of Canadians responded by saying there should be no monarch after her.[60]

    An Ipos Reid poll conducted in late October 2009 found that the majority 53% of Canadians want Canada to end its constitutional ties to the monarchy after the Queen dies. 49% of Canadians want to abolish the constitutional monarchy structure now and become a republic, with an elected head of state. The majority 60% of Canadians said the Queen and the Royal Family should have no formal role in Canadian society, and that they are "simply celebrities and nothing more."[61]

    In November 2009, a poll by Angus Reid found that the majority two-thirds of Canadians would like to see a Canadian serving as Canada's head of state, while 18% disagreed. Only a minority 27% preferred Canada to remain a monarchy, while the plurality 43% preferred Canada to have an elected head of state.[60]

    [edit] 2010In May 2010, a poll by Angus Reid found that more than two-thirds of Canadians, a 69% majority, would like to see a Canadian serving as Canada's head of state, and a 52% majority of Canadians support reopening the constitutional debate to discuss replacing the monarchy with an elected head of state, while only 32% oppose doing so. Despite 69% of Canadians having a "mostly favourable" opinion of Queen Elizabeth II as a person, only one third, 33%, of Canadians preferred Canada to remain a monarchy - the plurality 36% of Canadians said they would prefer to have an elected head of state, another 21% were indifferent, and 11% were unsure. When asked who they would prefer as a monarch after Queen Elizabeth II, three-in-ten Canadians responded by saying there should be no monarch after her. 31% of Canadians also want members of the Royal Family to stop visiting Canada.[62]

    Also in May 2010, an online poll by Leger Marketing for QMI Agency found that majority 59% of Canadians said that they had little or no interest in the Queen's visit to Canada, while 39% did. The poll found that only 32% of 18 to 34 year-olds had an attachment to the crown. In the 65-and-over group, 46% reported an attachment. One fifth of Canadians said the Queen should stay home, and that furthermore, "Canada should sever its ties with the British Crown".[3]

    In June 2010, a national poll by the Association for Canadian Studies found decidedly lukewarm feelings about the concept of monarchy. The survey found that 49% of Canadians had a negative reaction to the word "monarchy", compared to just 41% with a positive reaction. In the Maritimes, where the Queen would begin her Canadian visit, the majority 60% registered a negative opinion of monarchy, compared to only 37% positive. (The poll did not refer to the Canadian monarchy or to the Queen specifically, but to the concept of monarchy.)[3]

    A poll by Ipsos-Reid, also in June 2010, found that the majority two-in-three Canadians agree the royal family should not have any formal role in Canadian society, and reported growing sentiment that Elizabeth II should be Canada's last monarch. The majority 58% of Canadians want Canada to end ties to monarchy when Queen Elizabeth II's reign ends, and the majority 62% of Canadians believe that Canada's head of state should be the Governor General, not the Queen.[63][64]

    A fifth poll, conducted by Harris-Decima for The Canadian Press a few days ahead of the Queen's nine-day visit to Canada in June, found that nearly half of Canadians, 48%, consider the monarchy to be "a relic of our colonial past that has no place in Canada today." The poll also found that 44% of Canadians want a national referendum to decide whether Canada should keep the monarchy.[65]

    An Angus Reid poll just after the Queen's visit found that 36% of Canadians want Canada to remain a monarchy, 30% prefer having an elected head of state, and 21% felt it made no difference to them.[66]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好长呀. 我想这里有两个问题, 第一, 加拿大是否继续保留王室. 你的转载主要针对这个问题. 但是, 在论坛上大家火热讨论的是另一个问题: 归化入籍的新公民是否必须宣誓效忠女王.
      • 都可以讨论是否取消这个体制(而且认为应该取消的占多数),就更可以讨论是否取消宣誓忠于体制啦。
        • 加拿大接纳了中国的移民,也同时引入了革命的火种。星星之火,可以燎原,同志们,让我们一起努力,让革命的烈火,烧遍全加!
          • 一口一个移民,求你不要跟我的贴了,去看看3大党的意见。
            • 你是否入籍了?是的话,可以给联邦议员写信,比在ROLIA上说话更有用。
              • 这里是谈天说地,什么时候由您掌握该不该在这里说?!
                • You never know who is the big boss here :)
                • 我有堵你的嘴么?言论自由,有谁封你的口了么?话又说回来,你又有什么权利不让别人跟贴?只许你说,别人得须闭口,是么?建议你自己开个BLOG吧。
                  • 我不是在求你嘛。
                    • 我上面又哪里"掌握该不该在这里说"了?
      • clear mind +100
    • 一石激起粪花儿香
      • "在北欧生活十年,在北美生活十五年,在哈佛拿博士后学位"说的话确实是有水平.
        • 有点酸啊。的确没你水平高,应向你学习,“老大,老大”不离口,有点江湖黑社会的口气哦,改叫“BIG BROTHER”,这样有些西方人文气息。
          • 看看来你很欣赏这些留学多年的说出"粪花儿香"的精英.不过这种支持方式是你的特点, 我不感到以意外
        • I can be rock hard and cast-iron…
        • 酸如果和讽刺一样的意思也是可以的, 不过除了在政治上非让别人说赞美的话外, 没见什么水平. 当然我只承认英文比我好. 好在在这里不是比英文的地方.
    • 加拿大人又不是你爷爷,他的说法能够代替真理?
      • 加拿大的女王问题,是个不是问题的问题,实行民主制度的加拿大,人民有自己选择的权利,如果改革是民心所在,那么迟早会改的。另外,我觉得既然楼主这么理想主义,不如转而关心一下中国的现状,亿万中国人面临的问题,比女王给加拿大人带来的烦恼不知要大了多少个数量级。
        • 中国的问题都是无药可治的绝症,所以我们离开了。幸好加拿大不是中国。
        • 楼主的无病呻吟,属于是肉麻的娇情。真的是,加拿大过于平静,连狗咬了人都能上新闻,一个纯属象征的女王,居然都成了天大的问题了。哪比伟大祖国,宪法规定的最基本的公民权利都被剥夺,也未见楼主说三道四的。我认为中国的共产党专制才是大问题,应该改革,楼主认为呢?
          • "天大的问题"是您给戴的帽子,小老百姓也就磕磕牙。中国的事我没能力,你有种就上啊,跟你说个我自己的经历,
            • "中国的事我没能力" -- 加拿大的事你就有能力了?磕牙也算? 如此,反正不象64一样,不会死人,磕完了女王,再磕磕中国的事,总也可以吧?另外,在加拿大你可以随便说,随便上街而不必担心吃子弹,不必象你的室友担心受怕,不正说明了加拿大和中国制度的优劣不同么?
              • "加拿大的事我也没有能力了",我就是来磕牙消磨时间的,难道您是有任务在身?
                • "有任务在身"、"他们靠这个吃饭" #6793024@0 。。。嗨,说来说去,就那几句,说这话,倒底有没有边啊? 认真一下,假定你说的是真的,请问,我应该是在执行什么任务,是谁分配的,是谁付的工资?这不明不白的话,好没意思,最好解释明白。请吧!
                  • 我可没说您"有任务在身",是问"难道您是有任务在身?"。
                    • 我看你花在这里的时间也不少,顺便问一句,难道您也是有任务在身?
                      • 我是无意识地捅了马蜂窝,道歉道歉。
          • 在中国,人咬了狗都不是新闻,实际上,那些野蛮的中国人吃狗肉的。来这里学习的中国人建议胃痛的美国人吃狗肉,我对中国同事说,你不如建议他吃自己父亲红烧,或者清蒸了。
            • 吃狗肉好的很哪,“闻见狗肉香,神仙也跳墙”,以前有道“林彪狗扣”挺有名...别老“野蛮的中国人”,不吃素的有几个不野蛮按你的逻辑,吃素但吃鸡蛋的一样野蛮,那可是鸡宝宝啊...文化差异吧,与野蛮无关
            • 心态好像不好吧! 开口就是中国这个不好,那个不好,别忘了你也是中国制造的。
              • 人家并没说都不好, 批评不好的而已. 因此"这个不好,那个不好"并不是人家的观点,
          • 整天在这里唧唧歪歪,自己好像是正义公正的代表。。。是真的吗?身为中国人,有你这一类的同胞,真是无语
            • 他们很野蛮的,小心他们吃了你。 :)
            • This is their bread & butter. Let them show off.
              • 组织上的洗脑,不过如此。凡是不中听的,都是海外敌对势力所为。可叹,至今我只看到招聘五毛(又称"网络评论员")的广告,却从未见过"海外敌对势力"的招聘广告,看来,"网络评论员"真的是堂而簧之,代表了阳光真理,代表了"和谐"。
                • 整天在这里唧唧歪歪,自己好像是正义公正的代表。。。是真的吗?身为中国人,有你这一类的同胞,真是无语 -vavav(山野兔子); 13:52 (#6793480@0)
                  • 如果说整天在这里唧唧歪歪,我觉得你的态度和发言最能说明问题.你自己好像是正义公正的代表, 非要让人家唱赞歌才行. holy moly, 看在你学外语时间很长又是博士后的面子上,你能不能给大家说说你在这里代表什么?
                    • Falsifying seems to be your expertise, Dear. How did you make things up about someone you know nothing about? How told you I studied foreign languages for a long time?
                      • "哦,人家在北欧生活十年,在北美生活十五年,在哈佛拿博士后学位,在加拿大做??的机要密书,如果他头脑里还是几十年前的东东,我看这哈佛也很没眼光。 -hotmoon(梵高的耳朵); "
                        • Am I blind or you are? Don't see anything about "学外语时间很长".
                      • 另外, 你这两天给别人包括我下结论不少了, Dear. How did you make things up about someone you know nothing about?
                        • Example please, Dear.
            • "整天在这里唧唧歪歪,自己好像是正义公正的代表。。。"  伪君子居多!
              • 没错儿。