You MUST talk to your wife frankly, do you want to take a risk of losing her? ASAP. This is my intuition as a woman. Good luck.
her trouble came from the lack of the self-confidence. Perhaps she felt she had no opputinity and time to develop herself because of baby.Maybe she was worry about the distance between you and her, and worry about your love. If she was ever a successful girl, such trouble will be heaver. so you love her, tell her your love clearly, and give her a resonable goal, for example, to prepare GRE,GMAT and so on. and tell her your mutual future. But first, to remeber to understand her.
Frustrated? "Relationship is difficult." my English teacher told me.
你那晚应告诉你LP明天是她的生日,你想请一天价陪她,我想结果会截然不同,相信我,我从女人的角度看,你LP心里早就在盼你向她有所表示,可直到她生日的前一晚也没听到你的表示,心里生气,所以采取了以后的行动。记住:女人靠听觉感应感情,男人靠视觉感应感情。来加拿大后深切体会到COMMUNICATION是多么重要,无论夫妻,同事,还是父母与孩子之间。这正是中国教育中缺少的,这也是中国为什么人际关系复杂,当面不讲,回去瞎琢磨,我喜欢老外这种方式,他们更懂得如何维护彼此的情感,当然他们也有他们的问题,我们不是要取其精华,去其糟粕吗。赶快主动找LP说清楚你的想法,相信她会体谅你的。千万不要冷战了,很伤感情的。GOOD LUCK TO YOU。